Role: Mixed Sweeper / Revenge Killer
Deino (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 236 Atk / 212 Spe
Naive Nature
- Crunch
- Head Smash
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Fang
Hustle makes anything physical's accuracy drop by 20% , but it gets a 50% Power boost.
Status and Special moves don't deal with this, making mixed fairly nice.
Crunch - STAB and The accuracy drop takes you down to 80% although you're gaining a 120 power move, not including that STAB boost.
Head Smash - 60% Accuracy? Well, this is goodbye.
It will become a crazy powered Suicide Move, with insanely risky Accuracy, Sign me up.
Draco Meteor - No Hustle boost? 140 power STAB move, that will have 90% Accuracy, which becomes more than anything else on the set, This is your main revenge killing move.
Fire Fang - Dictatorship over the Steel types.