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I have heard of EV reducing berries, but I would like to know what berries they are, what EV they reduce, and by how much. If this is a repost I apologize, as I couldn't find any original. I am playing Pokemon Platinum.


2 Answers

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Best answer

There are six different EV-reducing berries, one for each stat. All of them subtract 10 EVs in the relevant stat, as well as increase the Pokemon's happiness.

In Gen 4 only, if an EV-reducing berry is used on a Pokemon with >100 EVs in the relevant stat, the berry will instead reduce the EVs straight down to 100 (i.e. the max number of the same berry a Pokemon can possibly accept at once is 11).

How much happiness is given depends on the Pokemon's current happiness:

  • 0-99 → +10 happiness
  • 100-199 → +5 happiness
  • 200-254 → +2 happiness (Gen 3-7) or +1 happiness (Gen 8+)

EV-reducing berries were introduced in Emerald. For locations in your game, check the location guides on Bulbapedia: Pomeg Berry, Kelpsy Berry, Qualot Berry, Hondew Berry, Grepa Berry, Tamato Berry

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EV Lowering Berries

  • Pomeg Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's HP by 10 EVs.
  • Kelpsy Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Attack by 10 EVs.
  • Qualot Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Defense by 10 EVs.
  • Hondew Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Special Attack by 10 EVs.
  • Grepa Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Special Defense by 10 EVs.
  • Tamato Berry – Lowers a Pokémon's Speed by 10 EVs.

These berries also increase happiness level by 10, 5, or 2 depending on the current happiness level.

Each one of these berries lowers the EVs by 100 as long as the stat is above 100 EV points.

For instance: You have invested the maximum 255 EVs in Attack. It would take 8 Kelpsy berries to lower the EVs to 0. The first two berries would lower it down by 100 EVs each, bringing it to 55 EVs and then each of the following 6 berries would lower by 10 EVs.

I believe the first berry lowers the ev count to exactly 100 not down by 100. And then each additional berry lowers the ev count by 10.