PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
4 votes

I read in the answer of this question(narwhals1) http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/4786/torterra-infernape-or-empoleon that you level chimchar till you get Flame thrower then eveolve him to infernape.
My Pokemons evolves by them selves, is there a way to control it?

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3 Answers

10 votes
Best answer

Press the B button to stop evolution while it is evolving. Also holding an Everstone works. Every Level Up without it, your Pokemon is trying to evolve. Use this to teach your Pokemon moves at earlier levels.

I think I pressed B but nothing happend
any way thanks ill use everstone
Try to keep on pressing B from the start of the evolution until the evolution is stopped. There is a certain moment when you need to press B.
Bombergun did you say you hate pokrmon so  why are you playing it?
1 vote

Yes! When you push the B button, it will stop evolving. Then you can get it to the level you want; however, it will be the same evolution path: Basic, stage one, stage two.

I don't remember typing this...
Maybe someone knows your password and used it to write this on your pokemon db account
1 vote

When it begins to evolve press B, it will try to evolve every time it levels up so just press B every time it attempts to evolve, or give it an everstone and it will stop trying to evolve.

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