PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
15 votes

Say I have a party of six pokemon, and a Mightyena is the only pokemon I have that hasn't fainted. He is poisoned, and has 10 HP left. What will happen when those ten steps are up, and he faints? You have no other pokemon, so do you just randomly black out and go to the pokemon center? Would you lose money?

When those fourty* steps are up, it's four steps = damage... right?

3 Answers

6 votes
Best answer

Mightyena would heal itself at 1 HP.

I read that this is only in Gen IV and V, does it apply in Gen I-III as well?
Do not know.
-No experience XDD

Just tried this on a gen III game and got this message:

"Cyndaquil fainted! DT is out of usable pokemon! DT panicked and dropped 100 dollars..."
dropped $100 lol
1 vote

This just happened to me in Pokemon Red when I left Mt. Moon with my only Pokemon that had not fainted, my poisoned Charmeleon. Once I took too many steps, it said that Charmeleon fainted, it said I blacked out, and it brought me back to the Pokemon center BEFORE Mt. Moon. Truly a sad experience, at least I can help somebody through my experience though.

Wow. I'm never dumb enough to go without some potions.
0 votes

Prior to Generation V, outside of battle, all poisoned Pokémon in the player's party lose one HP every four steps the player takes.
Pokémon with Immunity do not take poison damage outside of battle.

Generation I to III
Poisoned Pokémon take poison damage until they faint. If the player's last conscious Pokémon faints this way, the player blacks out.

Generation IV
Outside of battle, if a poisoned Pokémon is brought down to one HP due to poison damage, it will be cured of poison instead of fainting.

Generation V
Poisoned Pokémon no longer take poison damage outside of battle.

