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Yes Golbat has evolved

Yes In Control freak , Brock found and agreed to help a woman who was looking for two artifacts which were supposedly buried nearby and had been used by a woman to control Pokémon. Possibly having learned to do such from his encounter with Dr. Anna, Brock was able to hook up Golbat to her computer and display a map of the underground. They reached the chamber only to find Team Rocket had beaten them there and Jessie was using the artifacts to control Pokémon. Brock's Golbat was the only Pokémon that could resist the effects of the artifacts, and countered it using his Supersonic. Jessie turned Brock's Geodude and Onix against him, and he was trapped under the rubble of Onix's Dig. Brock was able to locate Golbat under the rocks by listening carefully for the sound waves, somehow having ears sensitive enough to pck up the ultrasonic waves. They tracked down Team Rocket to find them leaving, appropriately, in a rocket. Golbat and Ash's Noctowl flew after the rocket, but could not keep up. Brock called out to Golbat, and this caused him to evolve into Crobat. He easily overtook Noctowl and the rocket and destroyed it with a Wing Attack.
I love Weird things ¯(°_o)/¯

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I can't BA both D: He also answered first. Sorry Rio :(
TK I guess... But I was trying to put more detail into it... But you did put it in about 2 mins before me, so its fair, I suppose...
As a consolation prize you get my upvote :D
Nice of you ;) Rio the question looks so weird to expat same answers;)
Just saying even though you add the beginning of the episode I'm assuming?
Thanks, SMG.
And LOL! I'm fine with not being BA, but, I'm still gonna keep trying to climb my way up on the Users page. And whenever you start getting close, I panic! I try and answer any question I can to keep my head floating on top. Does that sound weird? Well, anyway... Your the real competition, and a worthy rival indeed. Got my up-vote! Good luck. I'll see you at the match! (There is no match XD)
3 votes

Yes, Brock's Golbat evolved into Crobat.

>In Hassle in the Castle, Ash, Misty, and Brock entered a castle where a woman named Dr. Anna used different Pokémon for diagnosing and treating patients. One of these was her Zubat, Mimi, which used its Supersonic move to scan patients. Eager to impress the doctor, Brock sent out his Zubat to assist her. Jessie, James, and Meowth entered the scene, and as Dr. Anna, Brock, and the two Zubat pursued them, causing them to become stuck in an underground maze. Dr. Anna had Mimi use Supersonic again to create a map, and with the assistance of Brock's Zubat an entire map of the maze was generated. They wandered through the maze, encountering multiple traps and with Brock fantasizing about marriage, until their Zubat were able to find the exit door. This wouldn't open, and Team Rocket were given the opportunity to grab both of the Zubat, only to find themselves stuck as well. They were eventually freed from the maze by Pineco's Explosion and the two Zubat flew free of the bag they were held in. Team Rocket tried to make off with Ash's Pikachu, but the two Zubat blew away Weezing's SmokeScreen and Brock's Zubat engaged in battle with Team Rocket's Pokémon. During this battle, he evolved into Golbat, and was able to send Team Rocket packing with the help of Pikachu. Brock had hoped to stay and help Dr. Anna, but had his hopes crushed when he learned that Golbat was so strong that its Supersonic overloaded Dr. Anna's computer.

This is when it evolved into Golbat

>In Control Freak, Brock found and agreed to help a woman who was looking for two artifacts which were supposedly buried nearby and had been used by a woman to control Pokémon. Possibly having learned to do such from his encounter with Dr. Anna, Brock was able to hook up Golbat to her computer and display a map of the underground. They reached the chamber only to find Team Rocket had beaten them there and Jessie was using the artifacts to control Pokémon. Brock's Golbat was the only Pokémon that could resist the effects of the artifacts, and countered it using his Supersonic. Jessie turned Brock's Geodude and Onix against him, and he was trapped under the rubble of Onix's Dig. Brock was able to locate Golbat under the rocks by listening carefully for the sound waves, somehow having ears sensitive enough to pck up the ultrasonic waves. They tracked down Team Rocket to find them leaving, appropriately, in a rocket. Golbat and Ash's Noctowl flew after the rocket, but could not keep up. Brock called out to Golbat, and this caused him to evolve into Crobat. He easily overtook Noctowl and the rocket and destroyed it with a Wing Attack.

This is when it evolved into Crobat

Source: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Brock's_Crobat

So yeah, this is it! Hope this helped!

He never comes on anymore :( last time he came on was like 2 weeks ago
Oh Bummer you and Jimmy?
Maybe, I haven't talked to him in a while for no reason. I guess he is the closest to a best friend I have :D
I don't know... If you become a super-good user, Pokémaster might take you under his wing. XD XD XD XD XD
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The reason I know it did is because of the movie with Latias and Latios in it. (Forgot the name of the movie.) Brock sent out his Crobat and Politoed to go find Ash and Pikachu, who were with Latias surfing on the water trying to avoid the gates the Team Rocket members were creating. :)
