For the Dusk Stone, it's located in Route 10, Mistralton Cave, Wellspring Cave (Dustcloud), Chargestone Cave (Dustcloud), Mistralton Cave (Dustcloud), Twist Mountain (Dustcloud), Challenger's Cave (Dustcloud), Victory Road (Dustcloud), Giant Chasm (Dustcloud); as well as in Black City.
Source: http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/duskstone.shtml
As for the Thunder Stone, it evolves Eelekrtik into Eelektross. Locations: Route 9, Chargestone Cave, Wellspring Cave (Dustcloud), Chargestone Cave (Dustcloud), Mistralton Cave (Dustcloud), Twist Mountain (Dustcloud), Challenger's Cave (Dustcloud), Victory Road (Dustcloud), Giant Chasm (Dustcloud); as well as in Black City.
Source: http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/thunderstone.shtml
Hope this helped!