Chatard (Chatot) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Tangled Feet
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 31 All
- Chatter (Flying Special Attack Move, 100% chance to confuse opponent, 100 Accuracy and 65 Power)
- Substitute (User takes 1/4 its max Hp to put a substitute)
- Boomburst ( Normal Special Attack Move, 140 Power with 100 Accuracy however hits adjacent Pokemon)
- Nasty Plot ( Raises the User's Sp atk by 2)
I called this the God Chatard Moveset. This is how this Pokemon works:
1) Two options for the first move, you either: Switch out if the opponent is a faster Pokemon or Use Chatter straight away
2) You then use substitute and hope for them to hit themselves. Two options again. If they don't hit themselves and destroy ur substitute repeat this step, but if they hit themselves use Nasty Plot
3) Now that ur stats are boosted keep spamming boomburst and chatter depending on what Pokemon ur versing
Note: If you want you can give Chatard heatwave but I personally think its unnecessary cause of Boombursts power. Also I would say you should have a ground type in your team because if your opponent pulls out a electric type that is faster then chatot ur screwed so straight away switch to that ground type. Item is leftovers cause when you use substitute you will need to recover back the health.