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I want to breed my pokemon but I don't know if I can!

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2 Answers

1 vote

Whether or not Pokemon can breed together is dependent on whether they are in the same egg group or not. If the two pokemon aren't in the same egg group then no egg will be produced. Here is a link to the egg groups: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Egg_groups
The children will always be the same pokemon as their mother (or the other pokemon if bred with a ditto) and will have moves passed down from their father.

1 vote

The child pokemon is always the same family as the female. So if you breed a female Venusaur with a male Charizard, the baby will be Bulbasaur.

For two pokemon to breed they need to be in the same egg group like Umbreon&Dragonite says. You could always try putting the two in daycare and seeing what happens. Save your game beforehand then reset if they can't breed. See my answer here for how to check: http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/8816/ditto-is-losing-his-manly-charm
