Physical- go woth infernape. he is good at everything! the downside is, his defenses. he can also go mixed or special, however, I recomend a physical moveset.
Life orb/ Choice Band
252 speed, 252 attack, 4 hp.
Flare blitz/ fire punch- good to kill right off the bat or aomething that hits hard and doesn't kill you with recoil.
close combat/drain punch- PURE POWER!!! or recovery
stone edge- those pesky flying types...
earthquake- need I say anything? this is just for more power!
Special- go with chandelure! heatran can work also. they are the (imo) best fire types.
choice scarf/ leftovers/ choice specs
252 sp. attack, 152 speed, 104 hp
heat wave/ fire blast- power. depends how much you want at a sacrifice for accuracy
shadow ball/hex- classic or this will work with status moves.
toxic/will'o'wisp/energy ball- power up hex! or, destroy the water, ground, and rock types that threaten you.
hp fighting/ pain split- dark types... or recovery
choice scarf/ leftovers/air baloon
modest/ quiet
252 ap. attack/ 100 defense/ 100 sp. defense/ 56 hp
earth power- destroy all the other fire types!!!
substitute- helps you out A LOT
Fire blast/ flamethrower- power/accuracy
sunny day/ toxic- for solarbeam and fire type moves or to inflict status
solarbeam- works with sunny day or a weather inducer such as ninetales if OU or groudon if Ubers.
basically, they are some of the best at what they do!