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Know how Game Freak merged two words together to create a Pokemon's name? I was wondering if the names of cities and towns are the same. This is called etymology.
So are they eytmology, or are they thought of some other way?

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Thanks PM, can't believe I left that out...

1 Answer

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Best answer

Yes, actually. I'll edit in all the cities and towns now.

Kanto: Names are based on color.

  • Pallet Town: A palette is a set of colors, used in various means.
  • Viridian City: From viridian, a blue-green color.
  • Pewter City: Pewter is a metal alloy of copper, tin, and, traditionally, lead that has a gray color.
  • Cerulean City: From cerulean, a deep blue color.
  • Vermilion City: From vermilion, a reddish-orange pigment produced from the mineral cinnabar.
  • Saffron City: From saffron, a golden yellow color.
  • Celadon City: From celadon, a light grayish green color.
  • Lavender Town: From lavender, a pale purple color.
  • Cinnabar Island: From cinnabar, an orange-red mineral used to produce vermilion pigment.
  • Fuchsia City: From fuchsia.
  • Indigo Plateau: Indigo is one of the seven traditional colors of the rainbow, a blue-purple color. It also shares its name with the indigo plant. Its name therefore follows the theme of Kanto's cities (as a color) and Johto's cities (as a plant).

Johto: Names are based on plants.

  • New Bark Town: Literally, "new bark".
  • Cherrygrove City: Cherries are a type of fruit, while a grove is a multitude of trees near each other.
  • Violet City: Possibly taken from the color of the Chinese bellflower or from the plant, violet.
  • Azelea Town: From the plant Azalea.
  • Goldenrod City: From goldenrod, a type of yellow-colored flowering plant.
  • Ecruteak City: Ecru is a beige color, while teak is a type of tree.
  • Olivine City: Possibly from the words "olive" and "vine". May also come from the word "olivine."
  • Cianwood City: From the words "cyan" and "wood".
  • Mahogany Town: From mahogany.
  • Blackthorn City: From the plant blackthorn, a type of plant closely related to the plum.

Hoenn: Names are based on two words combined together, relating to a close bond between trainer and Pokemon. Also, the last part of nearly every city has something that signifies a place.

  • Littleroot Town: Literally, "little root."
  • Oldale Town: Combination of the word "old" and "dale."
  • Petalburg City: From the words petal and burg.
  • Rustboro City: From rust and a phonetic spelling of borough.
  • Dewford Town: From dew and ford.
  • Slateport City: Compound of slate, a type of rock, and port, a town with a harbor where ships can load and unload.
  • Mauville City: From mauve, a purple-pink color, and ville, a common suffix to names of villages
  • Vendanturf Town: From verdant, green, and turf, meaning land.
  • Fallarbor Town: From fall, one of the four seasons, and arbor, another word for tree.
  • Lavaridge Town: From lava, molten rock expelled from a volcano, and ridge, a raised land formation commonly associated with volcanic activity.
  • Fortree City: From fort and tree, referring to the tree houses that residents of the town live in.
  • Lilycove City: From lily, a type of water plant, and cove, a type of coastal landmark
  • Mossdeep City: From moss and deep, referring to the many areas where Dive can be used near the island.
  • Sootopolis City: From soot, which is expelled when a volcano erupts, and polis, the Greek word for city.
  • Pacifidlog Town: From Pacific Ocean, pacific, gold, and log, which is what the walkways of the city are made of.
  • Ever Grande City: From the words "ever" and "grand".

Sinnoh: Names are based on things that pertain to the place.

  • Twinleaf Town: Means bud, sprout, or set of two leaves.
  • Sandgem Town: From sand and gem.
  • Jubilife City: From jubilant and life.
  • Oreburgh City: From ore and the suffix burgh meaning city.
  • Eterna City: Eterna is a shortening of eternal, a word that is synonymous with forever
  • Floaroma Town: From flora and aroma.
  • Hearthome City: From the expression home is where the heart is.
  • Solaceon Town: From solace, meaning comfort.
  • Veilstone City: From veil and stone.
  • Pastoria City: From pasture land.
  • Celestic Town: From celestial.
  • Canalave City: From canal and lave.
  • Snowpoint City: From snow and point (as the northernmost point of Sinnoh, possibly referencing kissaki).
  • Sunyshore City: Derives from sunny, referring to its weather, and shore, as it is on Sinnoh's coastline.
  • Fight Area: The name seems to come from the fact that the Fight Area is not a city, however, it is a tiny port town built around the Battle Park/Battle Frontier, where many Pokémon battles take place.
  • Survival Area: The name may come from the fact that it is one of the most remote of the incorporated areas of Sinnoh, separated from all others by Routes 225 and 226, both of which feature very rugged landscapes.
  • Resort Area: The name may refer to the fact that this area is very peaceful, as well as the fact that the Ribbon Syndicate, into which only very skilled Coordinators can enter, is located here.

Unova: Names are based off clouds.

  • Nuvema Town: From the Portuguese word nuvem (cloud). May also be from the Latin novum (new).
  • Accumula Town: From cumulus cloud and "accumulate".
  • Straiton City: Corruption of striation, a series of parallel grooves in cloud formation that reveals the presence of rotation. Also contains "tri" (three). May also be from stratus clouds.
  • Nacrene City: From nacreous cloud, polar clouds that have iridescent luster. Also from nacre (mother of pearl).
  • Castelia City: From castellanus, a cloud species. Also, from the Latin for castle.
  • Nimbasa City: From nimbus cloud, clouds that produces rain and lightning.
  • Anville Town: From anvil clouds, anvil and ville.
  • Driftveil City: From cloud drift and the word "veil". May also be from velum (sail-shaped cloud).
  • Mistralton City: From mistral wind, mist, alto (high), a common prefix for cloud names, and -ton, a common suffix used in cities.
  • Iccirus City: From "ice" or "icy", and cirrus cloud, which contains high concentration of ice crystals.
  • Opelucid City: From opacus (opaque sheets of clouds), perlucidus (sheets of cloud with small spaces), and possibly translucidus (translucent sheets of clouds). May also be from opal. Additionally, "lucid" means "clear; pellucid; transparent: shining or bright," so it may be translated as "bright opal city".
  • Aspertia City: From asperatus (a recently discovered cloud formation) and aspire or aspiration.
  • Virbank City: From virga, bank, and possibly Burbank.
  • Lentimas Town: From lenticular cloud, a cloud that usually forms over a mountain.
  • Undella Town: From undulatus, clouds displaying wavy patterns. It could also be derived from "underwater" and "umbrella."
  • Lacunosa Town: From lacunosus, clouds characterized by a honeycomb pattern.
  • Flocessy Town: From floccus, a type of cloud whose name is Latin for "a tuft of wool" (possibly a reference to the Mareep in the ranch).
  • Himilau City: From cumulus humilis and humid. May also be from hula and luau.

Source: Bulbapedia

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Thanks! I thought so! :P
Actually the Japanese version of the game refutes your analysis on Isshu/ Unova. Soryuu city is based on the Chinese allusion, Yacon is based on a plant, and Raimon city is based on the weather and art. Therefore viewing Isshu in the Japanese lens reveals that Isshu's city names are based on human feelings, allusions, and actions that humans committ. Moreover they are based on climate, and geographical surroundings.