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Each Pokemon ends up with four moves when purified, right? So what are they?
Yes, for every Pokemon in those games. And not just moves that are specific to purification either.


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Pokemon Colosseum

Absol - Perish Song / Swords Dance / Slash / Faint Attack
Aipom - Baton Pass / Tickle / Fury Swipes / Swift
Ariados - Spider Web / Scary Face / Leech Life / Sludge Bomb
Bayleef - Sunny Day / Synthesis / Razor Leaf / Body Slam
Croconaw - Rain Dance / Scary Face / Bite / Surf

Delibird - Blizzard / Attract / Present / Fly
Dunsparce - Spite / Glare / Yawn / Take Down
Entei - Sunny Day / Leer / Bite / Fire Blast
Flaffy - Thunderbolt / Thunder Wave / Cotton Spore / Thundershock
Forretress - Explosion / Protect / Bide / Rapid Spin

Furret - Iron Tail / Helping Hand / Quick Attack / Strength
Gligar - Faint Attack / Sand- Attack / Poison Sting / Slash
Granbull - Bite / Scary Face / Roar / Strength
Heracross - Reversal / Endure / Counter / Brick Break
Hitmontop - Agility / Focus Energy / Triple Kick / Rapid Spin

Houndoom - Faint Attack / Howl / Smog / Flamethrower
Ledian - Baton Pass / Safeguard / Supersonic / Comet Punch
Makuhita - Foresight / Focus Energy / Vital Throw / Cross Chop
Mantine - Wing Attack / Supersonic / BubbleBeam / Take Down
Meditite - Detect / Calm Mind / Confusion / Hi Jump Kick

Metagross - Hyper Beam / Iron Defense / Metal Claw / Psychic
Miltank - Milk Drink / Defense Curl / Rollout / Body Slam
Misdreavus - Psybeam / Confuse Ray / Mean Look / Shadow Ball
Murkrow - Faint Attack / Mean Look / Night Shade / Fly
Noctowl - Steel Wing / Hypnosis / Reflect / Fly

Quagsire - Mud Shot / Amnesia / Slam / Surf
Quilava - Sunny Day / SmokeScreen / Dig / Flame Wheel
Qwilfish - Pin Missile / Minimize / Poison Sting / Surf
Raikou - Rain Dance / Leer / Quick Attack / Thunder
Remoraid - BubbleBeam / Lock-On / Psybeam / Aurora Beam

Shuckle - Safeguard / Encore / Rest / Bide
Skarmory - Drill Peck / Metal Sound / Air Cutter / Steel Wing
Skiploom - Synthesis / Sleep Powder / Cotton Spore / Mega Drain
Slugma - Sunny Day / Yawn / Rock Throw / Flamethrower
Smeargle - Sketch / Tail Whip / DoubleSlap / Iron Tail

Sneasel - Faint Attack / Screech / Fury Swipes / Icy Wind
Stantler - Astonish / Hypnosis / Leer / Take Down
Sudowoodo - Flail / Block / Low Kick / Rock Slide
Suicune - Rain Dance / Leer / Gust / Surf
Sunflora - Sunny Day / Growth / Ingrain / SolarBeam

Swablu - Mirror Move / Sing / Safeguard / Fly
Togetic - Metronome / Charm / Sweet Kiss / Yawn
Tropius - Synthesis / Magical Leaf / Fly / SolarBeam
Tyranitar - Crunch / Thunder / Rock Slide / Blizzard
Ursaring - Faint Attack / Fake Tears / Lick / Slash

Vibrava - Crunch / Screech / Sand Tomb / DragonBreath
Yanma - Detect / Supersonic / SonicBoom / Uproar

Source: Bulbapedia/ Shadow Pokémon in Pokémon Colosseum

Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness

Altaria - Heal Bell / DragonBreath / SolarBeam / Aerial Ace
Arbok - Refresh / Sludge Bomb / Glare / Bite
Articuno - Haze / Heal Bell / Extrasensory / Ice Beam
Baltoy - Refresh / Rock Tomb / Mud-Slap / Psybeam
Banette - Helping Hand / Faint Attack / Shadow Ball / Curse

Beedrill - Baton Pass / Sludge Bomb / Twineedle / Swords Dance
Butterfree - Morning Sun / Psychic / Sleep Powder / Aerial Ace
Carvanha - Refresh / Water Pulse / Bite / Scary Face
Chansey - Sweet Kiss / Thunderbolt / Softboiled / Skill Swap
Delcatty - Sweet Kiss / Sscret Power / Attract / Shock Wave

Dodrio - Baton Pass / Drill Peck / Agility / Tri Attack
Dragonite - Heal Bell / Hyper Beam / Dragon Dance / Earthquake
Dugtrio - Charm / Earthquake / Sandstorm / Tri Attack
Duskull - Helping Hand / Shadow Ball / Astonish / Confuse Ray
Electabuzz - Follow Me / Cross Chop / Thunder Wave / Thunderbolt

Exeggutor - Refresh / Psychic / Hypnosis / AncientPower
Farfetch'd - Baton Pass / Slash / Swords Dance / Aerial Ace
Golduck - Charm / Waterfall / Psych Up / Brick Break
Grimer - Helping Hand / Sludge Bomb / Shadow Punch / Minimize
Growlithe - Charm / Flamethrower / Bite / Take Down

Gulpin - Sing / Shock Wave / Sludge / Toxic
Hitmonchan - Helping Hand / Sky Uppercut / Mind Reader / Mega Punch
Hitmonlee - Refresh / Hi Jump Kick / Mind Reader / Mega Kick
Houndour - Charm / Faint Attack / Ember / Roar
Hypno - Baton Pass / Psychic / Meditate / Shadow Ball

Kangaskhan - Sing / Earthquake / Tail Whip / Dizzy Punch
Lapras - Hydro Pump / Rain Dance / Blizzard / Heal Bell
Ledyba - Refresh / Psybeam / Aerial Ace / Supersonic
Lickitung - Helping Hand / Double Edge / Defense Curl / Rollout
Lugia - Psycho Boost / FeatherDance / Earthquake / Hydro Pump

Lunatone - Baton Pass / Psychic / Rain Dance / Rock Tomb
Magcargo - Refresh / Heat Wave / Earthquake / Flamethrower
Magmar - Follow Me / Fire Blast / Cross Chop / ThunderPunch
Magneton - Refresh / Double-Edge / Rain Dance / Thunder
Makuhita - Refresh / Brick Break / Arm Thrust / Rock Tomb

Manectric - Refresh / Thunder / Rain Dance / Bite
Mareep - Heal Bell / ThunderShock / Thunder Wave / Body Slam
Marowak - Sing / Earthquake / Swords Dance / Rock Slide
Mawile - Sing / False Swipe / ViceGrip / Iron Defense
Meowth - Sing / Slash / Pay Day / Bite

Moltres - Morning Sun / Will-O-Wisp / Extrasensory / Flamethrower
Mr. Mime - Follow Me / Psychic / Encore / ThunderPunch
Natu - Baton Pass / Future Sight / Night Shade / Aerial Ace
Nosepass - Helping Hand / Thunderbolt / Thunder Wave / Rock Slide
Numel - Charm / Take Down / Dig / Ember

Paras - Refresh / Spore / Slash / False Swipe
Pidgeotto - Refresh / Wing Attack / Steel Wing / FeatherDance
Pineco - Refresh / Pin Missile / Spikes / Counter
Pinsir - Helping Hand / Guillotine / False Swipe / Submission
Poliwrath - Helping Hand / Hydro Pump / Rain Dance / Brick Break

Poochyena - Heal Bell / Dig / Poison Fang / Howl
Primeape - Helping Hand / Cross Chop / Focus Energy / Reversal
Ralts - Sing / Shock Wave / Reflect / Confusion
Rapidash - Baton Pass / SolarBeam / Sunny Day / Flamethrower
Raticate - Refresh / Super Fang / Scary Face / Hyper Fang

Rhydon - Helping Hand / Megahorn / Scary Face / Earthquake
Roselia - Sweet Kiss / Magical Leaf / Leech Seed / GrassWhistle
Sableye - Helping Hand / Shadow Ball / Faint Attack / Recover
Salamence - Refresh / Dragon Claw / Dragon Dance / Aerial Ace
Scyther - Morning Sun / Razor Wind / Silver Wind / Slash

Seedot - Refresh / Giga Drain / Bullet Seed / Secret Power
Seel - Helping Hand / Surf / Safeguard / Ice Beam
Shellder - Refresh / Take Down / Surf / Aurora Beam
Shroomish - Refresh / False swipe / Mega Drain / Stun Spore
Snorlax - Refresh / Fissure / Curse / Body Slam

Snorunt - Sing / Water Pulse / Bite / Icy Wind
Solrock - Baton Pass / Psychic / Sunny Day / Cosmic Power
Spearow - Baton Pass / False Swipe / Leer / Aerial Ace
Spheal - Charm / Aurora Beam / Water Gun / Mud-Slap
Spinarak - Refresh / Dig / Signal Beam / Night Shade

Starmie - Refresh / Waterfall / Ice Beam / Recover
Swellow - Baton Pass / Sky Attack / Agility / Facade
Swinub - Charm / AncientPower / Mist / Mud Shot
Tangela - Morning Sun / Solar Beam / Sunny Day / Ingrain
Tauros - Refresh / Earthquake / Tail Whip / Body Slam

Teddiursa - Refresh / Metal Claw / Leer / Return
Togepi - Tri Attack / Follow Me / AncientPower / Helping Hand
Venomoth - Refresh / Silver Wind / Substitute / Psychic
Voltorb - Refresh / Mirror Coat / Spark / Swift
Vulpix - Charm / Heat Wave / Ember / Dig

Weepinbell - Moring Sun / Magical Leaf / Sludge Bomb / Sweet Scent
Zangoose - Refresh / Brick Break / Counter / Crush Claw
Zapdos - Baton Pass / Metal Sound / Extrasensory / Thunderbolt

Source: Bulbapedia/ Shadow Pokémon in Pokémon XD

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You, my good sir, are fantastic! Another that I'll direct people to upvote.
Thank you. I try.
Ok, i am done.