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Please separate by game. And specify which of the below moves they learn.

They do not have to learn all these moves, just one of the moves listed below.

Heat Wave
Hyper Voice
Icy Wind
Muddy Water
Rock Slide
Water Spout
Helping Hand

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1 Answer

6 votes
Best answer

Pokemon Colosseum

Blizzard - Piloswine / Tyranitar / Croconaw / Quagsire / Furret / Remoraid / Qwilfish
/ Mantine / Dunsparce / Sneasel / Piloswine / Delibird / Miltank/ Absol

Eruption - Numel

Heat Wave

Hyper Voice

Icy Wind - Sneasel

Muddy Water

Rock Slide - Slugma / Sudowoodo / Tyranitar

Surf - Croconaw / Qwilfish / Quagsire / Suicune

Water Spout

Earthquake - Makuhita / Quagsire / Mantine / Dunsparce / Sudowoodo / Hitmontop /
Gligar / Piloswine / Stantler / Granbull / Heracross / Vibrava / Miltank / Tyranitar / Metagross / Tropius / Ursaring / Shuckle


Helping Hand - Furret / Mantine

I did not add Pokemon who learn these moves through breeding or tutor in Pokemon Colosseum.

Source: Shadow Pokémon in Pokémon Colosseum

Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness

Blizzard - Articuno / Carvanha / Chansey / Duskull / Delcatty / Dragonite / Golduck / Kangaskhan / Lapras / Lugia / Lickitung / Poliwrath / Raticate / Rhydon / Seel / Shellder / Spheal / Snorunt / Snorlax / Surskit / Swinub / Starmie / Tauros / Vaporeon / Wooper / Zangoose


Heat Wave - Magcargo / Moltres / Vulpix

Hyper Voice

Icy Wind - Seel / Snorunt / Taught through Tutor (XD only)

Muddy Water

Rock Slide - Larvitar / Magcargo / Nosepass / Solrock

Surf - Seel / Shellder

Water Spout

Earthquake - Altaria / Arbok / Aron / Baltoy / Chansey / Dugtrio / Lunatone / Dragonite / Gligar / Hitmonlee / Hitmonchan / Kangaskhan / Larvitar / Lugia / Lickitung / Nosepass / Numel / Phanpy / Pinsir / Primeape / Rhydon / Salamence / Sandshrew / Spheal / Solrock / Snorlax / Swinub / Tauros / Trapinch / Wooper

Magnitude - Dugtrio / Numel

Helping Hand - Togepi / Banette / Duskull / Grimer / Hitmonchan / Lickitung / Nosepass / Pinsir / Poliwrath / Rhydon / Primeape / Sableye / Seel / Espeon / Jolteon / Umbreon / Flareon / Vaporeon

Source: Shadow Pokémon in Pokémon XD

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So are you not yet done?
And thanks for answering, I'll give BA as soon as you finish.
Also, don't forget the Eeveelutions for Pokemon XD. And the wild and trade Pokemon for XD.
Also yeah, I don't want breeding. Tutor is fine, but only in XD.
And people, vote DA up.
Ok, i'm done. Sorry for the delay. Bulbapedia would have some info 1 place and then some in another. GAH!! All Pokemon have been taken into account.
Tyranitar is listed twice under blizzard.