Meta-PokéBase Q&A
13 votes

Happy Holidays everyone! The DB this year was awesome. Tons of promotions, additions, etc.

So whether you celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or The-World-Has-Not-Ended-And-The-Mayans-Were-Wrong day, whatever, hope it was good =D

Farewell to 2012, a year with worries and good times, and hello 2013! Lets make it the best!


Some spirit! Some more! Woo!

(If you guys want this wallpaper, here ya go!)

Like last year, everybody post your goals in or out of the DB!

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Goal: 6,000 Pokebase points, 1,500 Meta points and 100 Battle Subway points.
Probably not gonna reach any of these, but whatevz.
bringing this back up

My goal is to be a better battler :)
I wanna become editor. Also stop holding up tournaments.
My goal isnt necessarily for next year but i hope to become a mod while im here sometime, though im happy where im at, i also want to stop the useless drama and get in the top 5 users on pokebase
I'm to busy to draw a pic of Pokemon celebrating chirstmas...

1 Answer

10 votes
Best answer

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! Thanks for helping to make this site as great as it is!

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