Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote
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1 Answer

2 votes

When you earn a certain amount of points, you gain the ability to vote. No, not at 18 points. 50 on Pokebase and 30 on Meta.

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Actually it's 30 points to upvote, which usually means you just need one upvoted question or answer.
I don't get why newcomes don't get say, one upvote a day, no downvotes. That would prevent trolling and spamming but still allow someone new to upvote if they got really good advice on a question or something.
The 50 points thing is for downvotes, not pvotes. And it's good to see you back old friend.
How about BattleSubway?
on Battle Subway you need 30 points to upvote.
He didnt put it.