This is not a answer for the question itself, but a list of the Gen 4 moves and their effect in Contests for Pokemaster to use if he decides to make add this function.
This is moves A-C, the rest is to come if it wanted. (Sorry it looks so messy at the moment, I am having some issues transferring the list from a Word document, I will edit it)
Move Contest Power Appeal
Absorb Smart 1 If Voltage goes up two in a row, you earn +3.
Acid Smart 3 Basic performance.
Acid Armor Tough 0 Doubles you score in the next turn.
Acupressure Cool 0 Doubles you score in the next turn.
Aerial Ace Cool 2 If your Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Aero Blast Cool 2 If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Agility Cool 2 Causes you Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Air Cutter Cool 3 Basic performance.
Air Slash Cool 2 If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Amnesia Cute 0 Doubles you score in the next turn.
Ancientpower Tough 2 If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Aqua Jet Beauty 2 Causes you Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Aqua Ring Beauty 0 Appeal Point matches Voltage of judge.
Aqua tail Cute 3 Basic performance.
Arm Thrust Tough 2 Perform same move twice in a row.
Aromatherapy Smart 0 Appeal Point matches Voltage of judge.
Assist Cute 2 All Pokemon in the next round go in random order.
Assurance Beauty 2 Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Astonish Smart 3 Basic performance.
Attack Order Smart 2 If the judges voltage goes up, you earn +2.
Attract Cute 2 No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Aura Sphere Beauty 2 If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Aurora Beam Beauty 2 If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Avalanche Cool 2 Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Barrage Tough 2 Perform same move twice in a row.
Barrier Cool 2 The voltage won´t go up in the current turn.
Baton Pass Cute 0 Earn +4 hearts if your chosen judge´s voltage is 0, +3 if it´s 1, +2 if it´s 2, +1 if it´s 3, and 0 if it´s 4.
Beat Up Smart 2 Perform same move twice in a row.
Belly Drum Cute 0 Doubles you score in the next turn.
Bide Tough 2 Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Bind Tough 0 Appeal Point equals round you perform in (1st=1, 2nd=2 etc).
Bite Tough 3 Basic performance.
Blast Burn Beauty 2 If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Blaze Kick Beauty 2 If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Blizzard Beauty 2 If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Block Cute 2 No Voltage increase during same turn.
Body Slam Tough 3 Basic performance.
Bone Club Tough 3 Basic performance.
Bone Rush Tough 2 Perform same move twice in a row.
Bonemerang Tough 2 Perform same move twice in a row.
Bounce Cute 1 If the same judge has not already been picked, earn +3.
Brave Bird Cute 2 If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Brick Break Cool 3 Basic performance.
Brine Smart 2 If the judges voltage goes up, you earn +2.
Bubble Cute 2 Causes you Pokemon to move last in the next round.
Bubblebeam Beauty 2 Causes you Pokemon to move last in the next round.
Bug Bite Tough 0 If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, then you earn points equal to its Voltage rating.
Bug Buzz Cute 2 If the judges voltage goes up, you earn +2.
Bulk Up Beauty 0 Doubles you score in the next turn.
Bullet Punch Smart 2 Causes your Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Bullet Seed Cool 2 Perform same move twice in a row.
Calm Mind Smart 0 Doubles you score in the next turn.
Camouflage Smart 2 No Voltage increase during same turn.
Captivate Beauty 2 No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Charge Smart 1 Doubles you score in the next turn.
Charge Beam Beauty 2 If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Charm Cute 2 No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Chatter Smart 1 If the Pokemon gets the lowest score, you earn +3.
Clamp Tough 3 Basic performance.
Close Combat Smart 2 If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Comet Punsch Tough 2 Perform same move twice in a row.
Confuse Ray Smart 2 Lowers Voltage of judges by 1.
Confusion Smart 3 Basic performance.
Constrict Tough 0 Appeal Point equals round you perform in (1st=1, 2nd=2 etc).
Conversion Beauty 1 If Pokemon gets lowest score, you earn +3.
Conversion 2 Beauty 1 If Pokemon gets lowest score, you earn +3.
Copycat Cool 0 If the previous performer hit max Voltage, then you earn points equal to its Voltage rating.
Cosmic Power Cool 0 Doubles you score in the next turn.
Cotton Spore Beauty 2 Causes your Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Counter Tough 2 Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Covet Cute 0 If the previous performer hit max Voltage, then you earn points equal to its Voltage rating.
Crab Hammer Tough 2 If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Cross Chop Cool 2 If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Cross Poison Cool 3 Basic performance.
Crunch Tough 2 If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Crush Claw Cool 3 Basic performance.
Crush Grip Tough 2 Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Curse Tough 0 Appeal Point equals round you perform in (1st=1, 2nd=2 etc).
Cut Cool 3 Basic performance.
Dark Pulse Cool 2 If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Defend Order Smart 0 Doubles you score in the next turn.
Defense Curl Cute 2 No Voltage increase during same turn.
Defog Beauty 2 No Voltage increase during same turn.
Destiny Bond Smart 0 If all Pokemon choose the same judge, earn +15.
Detect Cool 0 High score for low Voltage.
Dig Smart 1 If the same judge has not already been picked, earn +3.
Disable Smart 2 No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Discharge Cool 2 If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Dive Beauty 1 If the same judge has not already been picked, earn +3.
Dizzy Punch Cool 0 High score for low Voltage.
Doom Desire Cool 2 If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Double-Edge Tough 0 If all Pokemon choose the same judge, earn +15.
Double Hit Smart 2 Perform same move twice in a row.
Double Kick Cool 2 Perform same move twice in a row.
Double Team Cool 2 Causes your Pokemon to move first in the next round.
DoubleSlap Tough 2 Perform same move twice in a row.
Dragon Claw Cool 2 If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Dragon Dance Cool 0 Doubles you score in the next turn.
Dragon Pulse Smart 2 If the judges voltage goes up, you earn +2.
Dragon Rage Cool 3 Basic performance
Dragon Rush Cool 2 If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
DragonBreath Cool 2 If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Drain Punch Beauty 1 If the Voltage is raised by two Pokemon in a row, earn +3.
Dream Eater Smart 1 If the Voltage is raised by two Pokemon in a row, earn +3.
Drill Peck Cool 3 Basic performance
DynamicPunch Cool 2 If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.