Meta-PokéBase Q&A
13 votes

I am doing a lot of contests at the moment to get all my main Pokémon ribbons and to get the paintings in the Art Gallery in Lilycove (Sapphire). I know this is a minigame and most people probably don't care about contests, but perhaps I'm not alone? I typically use Pokemondb to look up what moves my contest Pokemon learm and at which levels, but then I have to cross reference with Bulbapedia to find out what contest type the move is, and what effect it has.

I love the way Pokemondb has links all over the place that interconnect (you can click on a Pokémon to see what moves it learns, you can click on a move to see what type it is...) Anyway it would be much easier if I could just click the link for the move that I'm interested in from my Pokémon's learnset, and then see in its move description what type it is and what effect it has for different generations, like you can with the normal battle movedex. I know it's of low importance so you wouldn't want this information cluttering up the main move page, so maybe a little button somewhere that you can choose to click to toggle between contest and normal mode?

I look forward to the day when I don't have to sroll down for hours and rely on ctrl F to find what I'm looking for on Bulbapedia because it's all neatly displayed on Pokemondb for me :D but perhaps I'm just being lazy.

I'd agree with this. While I wouldn't find it useful all that often now due to Showdown being my preferred way to play Pokemon at the moment and my Ruby version having that corrupted save data problem, I was once really into contests. I would love to see this feature here.
Oh my gosh yes; I don't know of any sources ever anywhere that has this sort of thing.
I used to really go crazy with contests collecting medals in my Emerald, and would gladly go back into it.
This = FTW :3 Seriously, +1.
I have an old guide where all that stuff was included, I will try to write it down here.
very useful indeed

3 Answers

4 votes

This is not a answer for the question itself, but a list of the Gen 4 moves and their effect in Contests for Pokemaster to use if he decides to make add this function.

This is moves A-C, the rest is to come if it wanted. (Sorry it looks so messy at the moment, I am having some issues transferring the list from a Word document, I will edit it)

Move Contest Power Appeal


Absorb	    Smart	1	If Voltage goes up two in a row, you earn +3.
Acid	    Smart	3	Basic performance.
Acid Armor	Tough	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.
Acupressure	Cool	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.
Aerial Ace	Cool	2	If your Pokemon performs first, earn +2.

Aero Blast	Cool	2	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Agility	    Cool	2	Causes you Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Air Cutter	Cool	3	Basic performance.
Air Slash	Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Amnesia 	Cute	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.

Ancientpower	Tough	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Aqua Jet	Beauty	2	Causes you Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Aqua Ring 	Beauty	0	Appeal Point matches Voltage of judge.
Aqua tail	Cute	3	Basic performance.
Arm Thrust	Tough	2	Perform same move twice in a row.

Aromatherapy	Smart	0	Appeal Point matches Voltage of judge.
Assist	    Cute	2	All Pokemon in the next round go in random order.
Assurance	Beauty	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Astonish	Smart	3	Basic performance.
Attack Order	Smart	2	If the judges voltage goes up, you earn +2.

Attract	    Cute	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Aura Sphere	Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Aurora Beam	Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Avalanche	Cool	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.


Barrage 	Tough	2	Perform same move twice in a row.
Barrier	    Cool	2	The voltage won´t go up in the current turn.
Baton Pass	Cute	0	Earn +4 hearts if your chosen judge´s voltage is 0, +3 if it´s 1, +2 if it´s 2, +1 if it´s 3, and 0 if it´s 4.
Beat Up	    Smart	2	Perform same move twice in a row.
Belly Drum	Cute	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.

Bide	    Tough	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Bind	    Tough	0	Appeal Point equals round you perform in (1st=1, 2nd=2 etc).
Bite	    Tough	3	Basic performance.
Blast Burn	Beauty	2	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Blaze Kick	Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.

Blizzard	Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Block 	    Cute	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Body Slam	Tough	3	Basic performance.
Bone Club	Tough	3	Basic performance.
Bone Rush	Tough	2	Perform same move twice in a row.

Bonemerang	Tough	2	Perform same move twice in a row.
Bounce	    Cute	1	If the same judge has not already been picked, earn +3.
Brave Bird	Cute	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Brick Break	Cool	3	Basic performance.
Brine	    Smart	2	If the judges voltage goes up, you earn +2.

Bubble	    Cute	2	Causes you Pokemon to move last in the next round.
Bubblebeam	Beauty	2	Causes you Pokemon to move last in the next round.
Bug Bite	Tough	0	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, then you earn points equal to its Voltage rating.
Bug Buzz	Cute	2	If the judges voltage goes up, you earn +2.
Bulk Up	    Beauty	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.

Bullet Punch	Smart	2	Causes your Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Bullet Seed    	Cool	2	Perform same move twice in a row.


Calm Mind	Smart	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.
Camouflage	Smart	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Captivate	Beauty	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Charge    	Smart	1	Doubles you score in the next turn.
Charge Beam	Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.

Charm   	Cute	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Chatter   	Smart	1	If the Pokemon gets the lowest score, you earn +3.
Clamp	    Tough	3	Basic performance.
Close Combat	Smart	2	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Comet Punsch	Tough	2	Perform same move twice in a row.

Confuse Ray	Smart	2	Lowers Voltage of judges by 1.
Confusion	Smart	3	Basic performance.
Constrict	Tough	0	Appeal Point equals round you perform in (1st=1, 2nd=2 etc).
Conversion	Beauty	1	If Pokemon gets lowest score, you earn +3.
Conversion 2	Beauty	1	If Pokemon gets lowest score, you earn +3.

Copycat   	Cool	0	If the previous performer hit max Voltage, then you earn points equal to its Voltage rating.
Cosmic Power	Cool	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.
Cotton Spore	Beauty	2	Causes your Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Counter     Tough	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Covet	    Cute	0	If the previous performer hit max Voltage, then you earn points equal to its Voltage rating.

Crab Hammer	Tough	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Cross Chop	Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Cross Poison	Cool	3	Basic performance.
Crunch	    Tough	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Crush Claw	Cool	3	Basic performance.

Crush Grip	Tough	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Curse	    Tough	0	Appeal Point equals round you perform in (1st=1, 2nd=2 etc).
Cut	        Cool	3	Basic performance.


Dark Pulse  	Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Defend Order	Smart	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.
Defense Curl	Cute	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Defog	        Beauty	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Destiny Bond   	Smart	0	If all Pokemon choose the same judge, earn +15.

Detect	        Cool	0	High score for low Voltage.
Dig	            Smart	1	If the same judge has not already been picked, earn +3.
Disable	        Smart	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Discharge   	Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Dive	        Beauty	1	If the same judge has not already been picked, earn +3.

Dizzy Punch 	Cool	0	High score for low Voltage.
Doom Desire 	Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Double-Edge 	Tough	0	If all Pokemon choose the same judge, earn +15.
Double Hit  	Smart	2	Perform same move twice in a row.
Double Kick 	Cool	2	Perform same move twice in a row.

Double Team 	Cool	2	Causes your Pokemon to move first in the next round.
DoubleSlap  	Tough	2	Perform same move twice in a row.
Dragon Claw 	Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Dragon Dance	Cool	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.
Dragon Pulse	Smart	2	If the judges voltage goes up, you earn +2.

Dragon Rage	    Cool	3	Basic performance
Dragon Rush	    Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
DragonBreath	Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Drain Punch	    Beauty	1	If the Voltage is raised by two Pokemon in a row, earn +3.
Dream Eater	    Smart	1	If the Voltage is raised by two Pokemon in a row, earn +3.

Drill Peck	    Cool	3	Basic performance
DynamicPunch	Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
edited by
wow, just wow.

PM hath no excuses now.
IF wanted, I will make d-z
It might take a few weeks though...
1 vote

This is a continuation of the previous answer, due to the 8000 character limit. I will continually update this list.


Earth Power	Smart	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Earthquake	Tough	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Egg Bomb	Tough	3	Basic performance
Embargo 	Cute	2	Prevents Voltage from going up in the same turn.
Ember	    Beauty	3	Basic performance

Encore	    Cute	2	If Voltage goes up two in a row, you earn +3.
Endeavour	Tough	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Endure	    Tough	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Energy Ball	Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Eruption	Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.

Explosion	Beauty	0	If all Pokemon choose the same judge, earn +15.
Extrasensory	Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
ExtremSpeed	Cool	2	Causes your Pokemon to move first in the next round.


Facade	        Cute	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Faint Attack	Smart	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Fake Out    	Cute	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Fake Tears	    Smart	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn.
False Swipe	    Cool	1	High score for low Voltage.
FeatherDance	Beauty	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Feint	        Beauty	0	High score for low Voltage.
Fire Blast   	Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Fire Fang   	Beauty	3	Basic performance
Fire Punch   	Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Fire Spin   	Beauty	0	Appeal Point equals round you perform in (1st=1, 2nd=2 etc).
Fissure	        Tough	0	If all Pokemon choose the same judge, earn +15.
Flail	        Cute	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Flame Wheel 	Beauty	2	Perform same move twice in a row.
Flamethrower	Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Flare Blitz 	Smart	2	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Flash	        Beauty	2	Lowers Voltage of judges by 1.
Flash Cannon	Smart	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Flatter	        Smart	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Fling 	        Tough	1	If the Pokemon gets the lowest score, you earn +3.
Fly	            Smart	1	If the same judge has not already been picked, earn +3.
Focus Blast  	Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Focus Energy	Cool	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.
Focus Punch    	Tough	1	If the same judge has not already been picked, earn +3.
Follow Me	    Cute	2	All Pokemon in the next round go in random order.
Force Palm	    Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Foresigth	    Smart	1	If Voltage is raised by two Pokemon in a row, earn +3.
Frenzy Plant	Cool	2	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Frustration	    Cute	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Fury Attack	    Cool	2	Perform same move twice in a row.
Fury Cutter	    Cool	2	Perform same move twice in a row.
Fury Swipes	    Tough	2	Perform same move twice in a row.
Future Sigth	Smart	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.


Gastro Acid	    Beauty	2	Prevents Voltage from going up in the same turn.
Giga Drain      Smart	1	If Voltage is raised by two Pokemon in a row, earn +3.
Giga Impact     Beauty	2	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Glare	        Tough	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn period.
Grass Knot  	Smart	2	If the judges voltage goes up, you earn +2.
GrassWhistle	Smart	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Gravity	        Beauty	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Growl	        Cute	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Growth	        Beauty	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.
Grudge	        Tough	2	Lowers Voltage of judges by 1.
Guard Swap	    Cute	0	High score for low Voltage.
Guillotine	    Cool	0	If all Pokemon choose the same judge, earn +15.
Gunk Shot	    Cool	3	Basic performance
Gust 	        Smart	3	Basic performance
Gyro Ball    	Beauty	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.


Hail	     Beauty	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Hammer Arm 	 Cool	2	Causes your Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Harden	     Tough	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Haze	     Beauty	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Head Smash	 Tough	2	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Headbutt	 Tough	3	Basic performance
Heal Bell	 Beauty	0	Appeal points matches Voltage of judge.
Heal Block	 Cute	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Heal Order	 Smart	0	Appeal points matches Voltage of judge.
Healng Wish	 Cute	0	Appeal points matches Voltage of judge.
Heart Swap	 Cool	0	High score for low Voltage.
Heat Wave	 Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Helping Hand Smart	1	If Voltage is raised by two Pokemon in a row, earn +3.
Hi Jump Kick Cool	3	Basic performance
Hidden Power Smart	1	If the Pokemon gets the lowest score, you earn +3.
Horn Attack  Cool	3	Basic performance
Horn Drill   Cool	0	If all Pokemon choose the same judge, earn +15.
Howl	     Cool	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.
Hydro Cannon Beauty	2	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Hydro Pump	 Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Hyper Beam	 Cool	2	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Hyper Fang	 Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Hyper Voice	 Cool	3	Basic performance
Hypnosis	 Smart	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn.


Ice Ball	  Beauty	2	Perform same move twice in a row.
Ice Beam	  Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Ice Fang	  Cool	    3	Basic performance
Ice Punch  	  Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Ice Shard	  Beauty	2	Causes your Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Icicle Spear  Beauty	2	Perform same move twice in a row.
Icy Wind	  Beauty	2	Causes your Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Imprison	  Smart	    1	If Voltage is raised by two Pokemon in a row, earn +3.
Ingrain	      Smart	    0	Appeal Point equals round you perform in (1st=1, 2nd=2 etc).
Iron Defense  Tough	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Iron Head	  Tough	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Iron Tail	  Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.


Jump Kick	  Cool	3	Basic performance

Well, im back with this thing since I really just want to be rid of it. More than half is done now so, Whynot?

edited by
1 vote


Karate Chop	 Tough	3	Basic performance
Kinesis	     Smart	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.
Knock Off	 Smart	3	Basic performance


Last Resort	    Cute	0	Appeal Point equals round you perform in (1st=1, 2nd=2 etc).
Lava Plume	    Tough	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Leaf Blade	    Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Leaf Storm	    Cute	2	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Leech Life	    Smart	1	If Voltage is raised by two Pokemon in a row, earn +3.
Leech Seed	    Smart	0	Appeal Point equals round you perform in (1st=1, 2nd=2 etc).
Leer	        Cool	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn.
Lick	        Tough	0	High score for low Voltage.
Light Screen	Beauty	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Lock-On	        Smart	1	If Voltage is raised by two Pokemon in a row, earn +3.
Lovely Kiss	    Beauty	2	No Voltage decrease during same turn period.
Low Kick	    Tough	3	Basic performance
Lucky Chant	    Cute	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Lunar Dance	    Beauty	0	Appeal Point matches Voltage of judge.
Luster Purge	Smart	2	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.


Mach Punch   	Cool	2	Causes your Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Magic Coat  	Beauty	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Magical Leaf	Beauty	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Magma Storm 	Tough	2	Perform same move twice in a row.
Magnet Bomb	    Cool	3	Basic performance
Magnet Rise	    Cute	2	Prevents Voltage from going up in the same turn.
Magnitude	    Tough	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Me First	    Cute	2	Causes your Pokemon to move first in the next round.
Mean Look	    Beauty	2	Lowers Voltage of judges by 1.
Meditate	    Beauty	0	Doubles you score in the next turn.
Mega Drain	    Smart	1	If the Voltage is raised by two Pokemon in a row, earn +3.
Mega Kick	    Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Mega Punch	    Tough	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Megahorn	    Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Memento	        Tough	0	If all Pokemon choose the same judge, earn +15.
Metal Burst	    Beauty	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Metal Claw	    Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Metal Sound	    Smart	2	Lowers Voltage of judges by 1.
Meteor Mash	    Cool	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Metronome	    Cute	2	All Pokemon in the next round go in random order.
Milk Drink	    Cute	0	Appeal points matches Voltage of judge.
Mimic	        Cute	1	If the previous performer hit max Voltage, then you earn points equal to its Voltage rating.
Mind Reader	    Smart	0	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Minimize	    Cute	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Miracle Eye	    Cute	1	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Mirror Coat	    Beauty	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Mirror Move	    Smart	2	Earn double the score if your performance is last.
Mirror Shot	    Cute	2	If the Pokemon performs first, earn +2.
Mist	        Beauty	2	No Voltage increase during same turn.
Mist Ball	    Smart	2	If the previous Pokemon hit max Voltage, earn +3.
Moonlight	    Beauty	0	Appeal Point matches Voltage of judge.
Morning Sun	    Smart	0	Appeal Point matches Voltage of judge.
Mud Bomb	    Smart	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.
Mud Shot	    Tough	2	Causes your Pokemon to move last in the next round.
Mud Sport	    Cute	2	Prevents Voltage from going up in the same turn.
Mud Slap	    Cute	3	Basic performance
Muddy Water	    Tough	2	If the Pokemon performs last, earn +2.