Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

Posting of the articles will not happen until the Forum is up and I have talked to PM about a spot there for The Times.
If I need contact info then I will ask you in chat.

Thanks for your efforts,


Update: However, I will be making changes to the software some time in January so will try to fix this problem and the forum can go up soon after. - Pokemaster
Listen guys, if you don't have your articles done by then, you'll have to wait until issue two to have your article featured, because I don't want the whole paper to have to wait for one or two articles that weren't completed.

Articles will be released once per month. There will be some set articles, but also some other from "guest" writers. If you have to submit an article for the paper then it must be done so at least two days before the paper is published. Failure to do so will result in your article being postponed until the next issue. If you repeatedly fail to submit articles on time then you will receive a probation on writing for the paper. You can submit again after the probation is up, but each probation will be extended before you are entirely banned from writing for the Times. I doubt it will come to this.
Articles can be given to Poke'Slash or Myself (MrKijani) and we will publish the Paper.

IMPORTANT, READ IF YOU HAVE SENT IN YOUR ARTICLE ALREADY: Gen. 6 has changed the Metagame somewhat, and I know a few of you wrote some excellent articles on Competitive. If you did, contact myself (Poke'Slash) or MrKijani if you want to redo your article to fit the current metagame.

If you're interested in writing an article then comment on this question letting us know you'd like to do one and what you want to write about. If it's an acceptable subject then Poke'Slash, Recoded or MrKijani will contact you and discuss it further. We will also probably want a sample of what you can do to assess your skills so make sure you have something written up that you like and are prepared to show us.

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@ Poke'slash - I'm sure someone is already doing this, but if not maybe just general news going on on the Pokebase. E.g., the load of unanswered questions, the return of trachy, that new tournament thing on the Meta etc.

I'm unsure of how often a new DB times issue will be released, but if one is released too often then I may not be able to do this. I'm not afraid of rejection because I'm sure someone would have volunteered for this by now so feel free to crush my spirit. xD
Thanks for considering. :D
I'm not sure if someone is already doing that. I can't remember whether we shot the idea down or not. XD
We're aiming for monthly issues, but if you would like to sign up for an article every four months, that's fine too.
If I recall correctly Ninja was doing something like that but he asked to be changed to doing updates on the server, so I'd be happy with Indigo giving us a DB Update for the Paper, so long as you agree Slash.
;D Fine with me.
...Yaay I feel useful now. :P

3 Answers

0 votes

We now have enough articles for about half of one issue, as well as a few extras(same type of article, different edition) for later issues

People we need articles from:

  • Blobyolo(War Story) [Postponed]

  • Breaking Point

  • Ninja(Meta) [Canceled]

  • Jofly

  • Poke'slash

  • Flare(In-game and competitive Fails) [Unless someone sees Flare: Canceled]

Received articles:

  • Ninja (video games)

  • |Sent_By_Ravens| (Featured Pokemon)

  • Rio (Interviews)

  • MrKijani(Featured RMT)

  • Poke'slash(The Edit Wars)

  • Mew

  • Blobyolo(Pokemon Trivia)

  • Poke'slash(Surprise Article)

Extra Articles(for next issue):

  • Dr.Flame(Featured Pokemon)

  • Ninja(Video Games)

  • Blobyolo(Pokemon Trivia)

This will be edited.

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I thought you were writing tier shift. :P
Sorry, it was kinda sudden but we decided to let you in. If you don't want to do tier shift any more, I'm sure Breaking would be happy to let you into the Misc. section.
Surprise article? You gotta tell me at least :3
Let's just say... I know interveiws are Rio's thing, but I couldn't resist this one. :P  He has a DB account, but he's not exactly active.
Hasn't Flare left?
He seems to have, sadly, but we're hoping to catch him for an article. Or just in general. :/
0 votes

With the introduction of Walls, you can just post the links to your articles on an editor's wall, or on Breaking Point or MrKijani's.

Editors, Recoded and MrK, please delete said wall posts afterwards to avoid trolls editing it. ;)

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0 votes

Please read.

The following articles are being edited:
The Edit Wars (Poke'slash)
Surprise Article (Poke'slash) [About to be replaced, need to find someone to interview]
Featured Pokemon (|Sent_By_Ravens|)

Doctor Flame, if you would like to edit your Politoed article for Featured Pokemon so it is for Gen. 6, please tell us, and remember to resubmit it.

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@ Semp feel free. Wanna do one for the April issue?
@Dr.Flame I can definitely get them done by the end of the month, I'll be more active starting next Tuesday.
@Mr.Kijani, can you edit all this into the main post? I can't do much more than reply to comments, and even that is really slow with my current internet.
We should do one issue a month, imo. I'd like to revoke my Meta staff, but instead go for Server updates.
That's fine, I think.
Once a month is ideal and I think that's what Slash and I will aim for. As for server updates, go right ahead.
Hey MrK, mind doing that WarStory we were going to do? :3 Now's the chance.
As well as the collab RMT :D