Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Well, here are my two suggestions to thy site. :D

Replying to Comments

Well, this is self-explanatory really. I hate going into the 'My Updates' section to find a comment that was in no way directed at me. I think the reply button on comments would be rather helpful. I don't know, you are probably going to say it's unnecessary but if a(n) question/answer has a lot of comments I would really like a replying system for the comments.

Also, another suggestion is to actually show your points when answering/asking a question. It would be next to your user name, it would say 'Points: 8590'

Well, I thought they were good suggestions. :3

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Why do we need to change the point system? Seems... pointless.
Why replace our current voting system that works with a new one? It feels quite redundant.
I know, that was kind of a dud suggestion. x3
Flafpert, I never said anything about a voting system.
Eh, I don't really like it.
That's a great idea but it would seem that those who have a small amount of points- even less than 100- that are on this site a lot chatting and viewing questions would feel left out with only bronze points. I mean, compared to the mods, they'd be nothing and they'd feel left out. It is just pointless like trachy said.
Only 4 people here would have Gold Points. I don't see the point in this really. Points system is flawed, but this'll make things more complicated and annoying.
Am I the only person thats life was shortened by trachy's joke? o3o
That was a joke...? (I get it, but still)
It took me a while to figure that out. But it wasn't a joke... it seems... jokeless... fail.
If that was a joke, then I still don't get it...
I understand my point system is confusing, but can someone try and critique my other ones? Please. O_O
Can someone come, please?
Someone already suggested a new point system, but it was rejected. I also don't see the reason in a new point system.
Okay, obviously everyone's following suit now. I have literally edited that suggestion out of my question in order to stop the damn discussion about it.
Bumpity Bumpy Boo.

1 Answer

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I hate going into the 'My Updates' section to find a comment that was in no way directed at me. I think the reply button on comments would be rather helpful.

I see what you mean, but this would be too difficult to integrate I think. Also we shouldn't really have many comments on each question/answer anyway.

Also, another suggestion is to actually show your points when answering/asking a question. It would be next to your user name, it would say 'Points: 8590'

We actually used to have this, but I took it out because people were favouring people with higher points when voting, not the best answers.

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