Meta-PokéBase Q&A
5 votes

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Round One match ups

StarsignOfTheAbyss vs Lombro Winner: Lombro
Flaf vs DB~Valet Winner: DB~Valet
trachy vs fizz Winner: fizz
$tarfire vs Mr.Kijani Winner: MrKijani
Pokenubz vs Hotcakes Winner: Pokenubz
The Pyromancer vs Jar Jar Winner: The Pyromancer
Pokeslash gets a bye


So sorry guys I haven't been active recently due to family issues. I will be much more active starting today.

Round 2

Your Pokemon now must evolve :3
MrKijani vs DB~Valet Winner: DB~Valet
DF vs Pokeslash Winner: Dr.Flame
Pokenubz vs Fizz Winner: Pokenubz
Lombro gets a bye

Round 3

Your Pokemon should now be in their final evolution
DB-Valet vs Lombro Winner: Lombro
Pokenubz vs DF Winner: Pokenubz

Round 4

Pokenubz vs Lombro Winner: Lombro

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Vote for whoever you think is going to win.
I dunno if i still can but magnemite, happiny, dratini, timburr, abra, ghastly
No. I asked Blob he says it's LV 100, not LC.
I get a Bye? Awesome. I'm gonna be kinda inactive the next three days, so that works out great.
Showdown will change Hidden Power to be base 70 for Gen V battling I hope? Because currently we have that pathetic base 60 power in the Teambuilder.
I'm resigning. Showdown is f'd up, and without Hidden Power at base 70 I miss so many KOs I basically have no chance of winning. Shame, I was really looking forward to this tournament.
It's the 29th, so are we seeing dq's or will they get more time?
I'm going to be gone until next Tuesday so if it's ok I'd like that to be factored in.
I guess. I said I was going to extend the deadline yet others still make no effort. Please tell me who has been more active.
i forfeit cuz i sak
Erm, still going on with this?
Oops forgot about this. I shall have the new fixtures up for tomorrow.
*got an extremely long bye like a boss*
Blob you broke your promise :D
Wait a minute.. *suddenly realizes that since I got a bye, my first battle with this team will be stage two Pokemon * EPIC. I didn't even have to battle with baby Pokemon!
Sorry for being late, me an Poke/ battled. I won, thought it was a rematch :\ because i had to go on the other battle

2 Answers

1 vote

Showdown Name: Brotad, Johnny Lombravo or Dat 'Tad
Times on: highly varied, typically random occurences bween 4-10 pm EST
Team: Bagon Timburr Abra Magnemite Gastly Mudkip

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team copier. JK.
lol :P
1 vote

Im in
Showdown Name: Pokenubz, E4 Nubz, PimpNubz
Time: Whenever I am on showdown I can battle
Team: Happiny, Chimchar, Beldum, Gible, Squirtle, Starly

Vs. Once
Unfortunately, showdown replays arnt working, so you just have to take my word for it that it was a great battle against Fizz.
Vs. DF

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125 turns with half of it being useless
Yup :3