Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

I thought of that many people have friend lists and maybe add something like that on the profile view. And maybe add some links so you could click on that and see who it is? And it would be cool if you could see who has added me on their friend list and maybe give a star on the Friend List to their best friends or other marks?

Like they do on forums? it seems neat, but not particularly useful
You can just put this on your profile..
Or just wait until we have the forums. o3o
I don't quite understand your idea but I've always had a thing against friends lists where you can add people. I have a Facebook with about 350 friends. I like and talk to regularly about 50 of them. The rest I just know and or don't know because they have added me looking to increase their friends list. Similar to points on the Pokebase, people want the most and will add you regardless of whether you like them or not. Should someone I don't like add me, I'm not going to reject them hence why I have 350 friends on Facebook. I can't say why I can't reject them, maybe it's to save feelings and awkward  situations IDEK

To some people it is a game. Again Facebook is a prime example with people adding thousands of people for the sake of having a large number, posting slutty pics for the sake of getting more likes ect For god knows what reason it makes people feel good about themselves to have lots of friends, followers, likes ect despite it all being a lie. Hence why I dislike Facebook and the whole concept of friend lists. As Whatson said there is nothing wrong with just posting friends on your profile.

1 Answer

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You can go to a user's profile and click the star to mark them as a favorite user.

But currently that only shows their posts in your favorites page, not anything meaningful ;) Maybe I will add that some day.
