Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

We got friend codes but not a friend list. like we can have a list of friends with their name and a gravatar of the people were friends.

Why would you want something like that?
like ps3/ps4 style?

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Already exists... sort of. Find and click this button on someone's profile:

It will add them to your favourites. There is a different list of favourites for each section. You can view Meta's favourites here. Favourited users will appear in your updates area.

One potential downside is that these aren't public, but if you want that you can put it on your profile.

You can also do this for questions and tags.

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I’m not sure making friends lists public is a good idea, seems like it would cause arguments or upset/isolate people who didn’t get many friends.
Eh, it’s been done via account pages for years. If people suddenly start getting bitter we’ll step in.