Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Say you have a 2iv Honedge, you lie, and say it's 6iv. You end up trading someone for their valuable 6iv Diggersby (terrible trade, Diggersby is better)

Would the person that traded the 2iv honedge be banned?

This was asked a few months or so ago, your answer is in another thread (8 bit music plays).
If this is to happen, publicize but don't spam information of the wrongdoing.  The scammer will likely be shunned by he community
Nobody trade with Gligurr.
Gligurr u has to use scam stoppijg techniques. Go trade on showdown for a while an you'll come back with all the knowledge

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

As per current rules, no. It's your responsibility to trust & know who you're trading with. Scamming through a trade is condemnable, but not bannable as it doesn't break any of the site rules.

Suffice to say, if someone does scam through a trade, no one on this site will trade with them again, so that's the main deterrent to scamming.

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