Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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When a post has been edited, and I click on the date it was edited (highlighted in blue like a link) it brings me to a page where it shows all the previous revisions for the post, and how its been edited in the past. I thought only mods could see this sort of thing? Or is this a bug/glitch?

Everything is fine. Revision history is visible to anyone. But 1337 h@xx0rz helps
Get him Pokemaster!
OK. But what does 1337 h@xx0rz mean?
It was a joke. They have something called "humour", a project unknown to me
Dang what's humour? Is that Spanish for humas?
No, Portuguese. The education of today, unbelievable.

1 Answer

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Putting the trollish comments aside, yes you are able to see the revisions but only when logged in.

Side note: Mods who use silent editing won't show "edited by (insert person here)" but if edited by someone else it usually appears in the revision section

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Star can do it too?!? Hacker!!
Everything will be fine with you, Sciz....everything will be fine...