Meta-PokéBase Q&A
7 votes

This hasn't been 100% thought out yet, but I was thinking maybe we should add a "extra info" section on each pokemon's page. This may include info on,

  1. If it was an event, where, when and how to get it.
  2. Info on breeding. For example, to breed a wynaut you need your wobbuffet to hold a lax incense.
  3. Info if it is only in one version. For example, Yveltal is only available in pokemon Y so we could put that there.
  4. If they have a alternate form how to switch forms.
  5. This one is very debatable. Info on what smogon tier they are in. This could end up being confusing, but it could also help a lot with smogon players.
  6. Any other info on that pokemon. If there is a spot to get a shiny of it (like Garchomp in pokemon B2/W2), The spot of that pokemon's mega stone (if it has one) etcetera

This is not completely thought out yet, but I wondered what you guys thought! Thanks for all the feedback I get, positive or negative!

I like the idea except the tiers part, since I heard pokemaster decline that part already.
Thanks for all the feedback.  I have had problems with some of these things before and thought maybe we could fix them.

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer
  1. This should be fixed when I fix the locations section on the Pokedex (related question here).
  2. Good idea! I think I'll do something similar to the evolution section.
  3. Same as #1.
  4. Good idea also, I'd probably do it the same as #2.
  5. I've answered this many times before, but no. They are too changeable and not official.
  6. Shiny locations would probably be same as #1 again. Location of Mega Stones will be in the itemdex when I get more time to finish that.
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