Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

I don't think has been asked before, but if it has let me know if it has and I'll hide the question. I think it might be cool to add a sound box to each pokemon page. If you click this box it would make the pokemon's sound. Thanks for all the feedback, positive or negative!

Could be a little difficult to do. Not impossible or strainious, but tedious and time consuming. Nice idea, but there isn't any reason to have this here, and it would take some time, so I'll go and say no. Of course, I hold no power here, so my opinion means little :P.
This has been suggested before, and PM said he'd consider it. That was ages ago though.
I like this. +1
Also note what type of sound it might be. What if there's major spam going on? Or a busy conversation? Those would be torture to hear a ping or something every time a user hits the enter bar.
Of course, the answer to that is "just turn off your sound", but what if a user is watching a youtube video or something?
Just some minor conflicts :P
Rio, what? You don't have to hear the sound if a different user wants to hear it.
Adding to every Pokemon's pokedex page will take a while, but it will definitely help build up the amount of information the site has on each pokemon.
Yea I understand it would be a long-term thing, but it still could be on the to-do list ;)

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Yes this has been requested many times before. It will be added at some point.

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