Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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This just makes a lot of sense because right now, you have to manually scroll to find the Pokémon you want to look up. One could argue you could just use control F, but that's not exactly an option for us IPad users.

Also, I noticed there's no name origins for Kubfu and Urshifu yet. Not sure if PM just hasn't gotten to them yet, but Kubfu's name origin is probably cub and Kung fu.
In the mobile version of Chrome, if you tap the menu icon at the top of the webpage (next to the number of tabs you have open), there should be an option labeled "Find in page", which is basically Ctrl+F on mobile
That still doesn't work because I, alomg with a lot of other iPhone and iPad users, use Safari rather than Chrome. Including a search bar would help people who either don't know to use control F or can't use it because they're using an app that doesn't have it.

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