Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

Because you state here that you are in fact the lead developer for that software now.

I'm assuming you didn't create it yourself, but the person who did create it decided to drop out and made you the lead developer. But do you actually run the software now by yourself? I just wanted clarification because you saying that made me curious. o.O


"been requested a lot for the software we use (Question2Answer) and as I'm now lead developer it will likely happen some time in the future!"

Since he said "as i'm now" it;s safe to assume he's just a developer, not the/a founder.
Pokemaster is the lead developer of the software and does make the majority of the changes now, but it seems a Github user named pupi1985 does still contribute.

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

The software was originally created by someone else (Gideon, as Ninja states). He took on some other projects and didn't have enough time to continue developing Q2A so I stepped up and have been making changes (e.g. adding user's exact join date in profiles was one of the first things I did).

Gideon technically still "owns" the project. Or really just the name, since the software is open source. But he manages the Q2A website and the actual release of each version. A few other people have made contributions on Github too.

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0 votes

Gideon Greenspan is the founder of Question2Answer. Here is his Q2A profile.
