Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

I comment on a lot of those unanswered questions with heaps of comments, and I don't care about most of the comments people make. So I personally would like to not get updates from specific questions...

But if no one else wants this suggestion, I can still survive.

I was particularly referring to My Updates, email notifications I never really considered.
I don't care about that because I literally have used My Updates 4 times since I started this site, but I understand why someone would want them being turned off, either altogether or per-page.
It's rather pointless tbh, if you don't want notifications about a question you could simply ignore that one update and move on to the next.
I kinda get why you'd want this, which leads to my next question as it's been about 6 months since I used My Updates. When you post something on one of those unanswered question, do you get a separate "update" for each comment, or does it just supercede the one before it?

Say Example1 commented three days ago. You see this in your updates. Example2 commented three hours ago, does it still show the update from when Example1 commented, or does the comment from Example2 erase the other one?
Example2 over-writes Example1 as far as I've observed, as you can't see Example1 in your updates any more.

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