Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

I have recently checked in to this site after a long break to just see how things are going and I go to my update page. All of the updates are from stall_fest. They all say either commented or eddited but on a large number of the questions linked, neither of us have even answered or commented let alone eddited. Could someone explain why this is going on?

Can you provide links?
Or a screenshot?
I can take a screenshot. But how do I link it? Or send it to either of you? I use mobile by the way.
Upload it to and link it in a comment. You could also send them to someone with Discord, if you've got one, and link the image in a comment.

This should link to the image. I have 3 more that just scroll further down but it's just the same problem so I assume they aren't necessary.
Are you sure you never added stall to your favorites?

1 Answer

1 vote

If you have favorited users (clicked the star on their profile), it will show updates from your favorite users on the main updates page.

If you want to see only replies to your posts, click the grey link that says "My content".
