Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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And also are there any members as the E4 or the champion?how can I become a gym leader or E4 member in pokemon database?


1 Answer

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Right now we don't have a league, since the first couple we had didn't work out very well. We probably won't be doing another one for a while.

As for how you'd get a position as a leader, be good at the tier/ metagame you're the leader of obviously, earn yourself some reputation as a battler and be active on the site so people can actually challenge you. E4 & Champion existed well, with similar requirements.

Here's a link to the DB's Showdown server if you want to play against some people:

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Mm. A few of us tried to revive the league a bit earlier, but unfortunately, we don't have the numbers for a gud one.
gym battles should be on 3ds or online?
Online on Pokemon Showdown (if you don't know what that is just look it up). 3DS is highly inconvenient due to the need to train Pokemon and how inaccessible it is compared to Showdown.