Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

I got an email saying "congrats your answer...." And i received it twice for the same answer, is this normal?

Maybe somebody double clicked and it selected and unselected, so he had to select it again
Yeah this happens to me too, not just for that but also for comments and answers.
Yah its not that septile, it has happen to me more then once
happens to me a lot

1 Answer

0 votes

This is probably caused by subscribing to the article more than once. For example you comment on a question and subscribe. Then you answer the question and subscribe again. This will result in two subscriptions that each send you a notice when your answer is selected.

The ideal solution would be a deduplication algorithm that detects if the user is about to receive two e-mails of the same type. or just prevent hte user from subscribing multiple times.

That said this can be a very difficult problem to solve from a coding standpoint. I've spent days writing similar algorithms and days of work just to stop a few duplicate e-mails probably isn't worth it.
