Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Umm.. So some people play The Pokemon TCG, amirite? Yes, I am. Just like there is a RMT (Rate my team) there should be a Rate my Deck section where you can rate other's decks and plus in the section there should be a question which is pinned to top where you can post codes for people who play the online game, to use

The Battle Subway actually allows TCG decks. They might be in a severe minority compared to normal teams but TCG decks pop up there from time to time. Because they are so seldomly seen an entire section for them would be rather pointless, especially since the Subway works. As for the codes you can put that on your profile, under Friend Codes would probably work alright.
the codes, are one time use only and they unlock one booster pack so putting them under FCs is POINTLESS!
Ooooooooh. Rate my deck. Boy did I misread this.

What did you think it was DT? 0.o
Rate my loving and caring personality?

1 Answer

3 votes

Hey there, I'm Rio, one of the few people on the database who plays the TCG. If there are decks posted (or at least this is how it would be in the past,) there are only a few people who would be able to give any feedback (namely myself and Trachy, and from my understanding, we're both fairly inactive, but that can obvi change).
Also, not a whole lot of people posted decks (once again, mostly/besides Trachy and me), nor do a lot of people rate them. As Flaf put it, there simply isn't enough activity and interest around the matter for it to get it's own section, and RMT works perfectly well for rating decks, and is the best place to put one if you want to have it rated (although, like the rest of the RMT, there is no guarentee that it will be rated).
