Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

Pretty straight forward and I think this could help the site quite a bit.

I don't think this will be done simply because as long as you have wide coverage then you're gonna succeed in a playthru. If not then you can simply grind and overlevel
My opinion is that teams like that should go under Rate My Team, as the name is pretty vague when new users try to use it (and usually get taken down). If this is not an option, I would recommend this.
I still support this, and I think a lot of other people do so too.

sorry fam aint looking like its gonna get added anytime soon
As linked above, this conversation has played out over the past couple of years. The consistent feedback we get is that people don't value open-ended "rate my in-game team" posts. We can't please everybody, but we have tried to keep in-game team advice that is likely to be reused, via rule 1.6.

I want to comment that if we did allow "rate my in-game team" posts (in a new section or otherwise), it may not take the form that you expect. The focus would be on optimising the team for the game in question -- potentially to the exclusion of team members that the author is attached to. I think most people choose mons for their in-game team because they like them, not necessarily because they are the most efficient: and therein lies the biggest obstacle to having a feedback-driven section for in-game teams. Even our "igtq" threads attract people who just think their team is cool and want to share it.
It is true alot of people would support the idea but some would just misunderstand it.

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