Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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There are users with zero everything. Did they receive 2 downvotes and have the downvoted posts hidden?

some users don't get the 20 point start. I think it's a glitch.
Apprently  duplicate accounts sometimes go  without  the bonus, but sometimes regular new users come pointless.
Yes, the points revoked from downvotes are kept, however those from upvotes are not kept.

Source: Experience
that's not what he's asking. he's asking if it will show on the user's amount of downvotes received on their profile, like if I received one right now i'd have 10 on pokebase, but then if my question/answer was then hidden, would it go back to 9 or stay at 10?
that's what he's asking, because of all the 0 point users that have no record of downvotes.

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Yes, it will still show how many time he/shes's been downvoted, just as how they will still receive -10 points.

the 0 point users are just the cause of glitches mentioned by me and sapph in the comments

Source: just tested it

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I think the only time they'll be erased is if the post is deleted.