Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I just checked the Meta admin and found a new post made by banned user Gligurr, who was using yet another new account. The last time he made a new account, he was able to use the site as normal and got away with it for a while. However, I think that might be because we didn't block his IP address, so he was able to make a new account on the same IP and use it. This time, however, we blocked his IP and both of his accounts, so I wasn't sure how he was able to make any more accounts.

Just to be sure, I clicked on his IP. Strangely, it didn't say it was blocked. Then, I checked the same IP through the PokeBase section, and his IP was blocked there. This tells me that when we block someone's IP, it only blocks it on that section of the site. Since we blocked his IP from the PokeBase section, nothing stops him from using the same IP to make a new account and post on Meta or Battle Subway. Perhaps this is a bug that needs to be fixed?

Also, I hate to nag, but I'd like to (once again) bring your attention to some issues that have been going on for a long time. These are long overdue for a fix.

  • In the approval systems for Battle Subway and Meta, comments have appeared in the "moderate" page, unlike in PokeBase where they go straight through without requiring moderation. It'd be great if comments in Battle Subway and Meta could bypass moderation like they do on PokeBase, it makes the process much easier.
  • When a post is rejected, the author can click "reshow", which makes it reappear in the moderation page. This can be fixed by approving the post and hiding it, but it's still inconvenient and gets quite annoying.

Thanks for your time :)

Last time, gligurr came on two new account after his other account was banned and said something like "Yay the proxy worked", could this be related?
I also think it's annoying that comments are moderated. Pretty sure that's the only reason I up-voted this post.
Actually that might be how, Sapphire. I just didn't think he'd care enough to set one up. >.>
Of course they're not universal. Did you really think Pokemaster can ever ban a user's IP from the universe?
Universal, as in they apply to the entire PokeBase.

1 Answer

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Not really a bug per se. Each section, Pokebase/Meta/RMT, are separate "instances" of the software so have separate options and such. The only thing in common is the registered users.

IP bans are part of the options (because they are not tied to specific users). So unfortunately when an IP is banned on one section it doesn't transfer to the others. Banners users do, though. I'll see if I can find a better solution.

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