Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Pictures of pokemon aren't loading on my phone. The pokemon pictures won't load, the rarity chart on routes won't load. I thought it was because of my wifi connection but other sites work just fine. How can i bring it back?

This thread discusses what may be a technical issue and not a "minor site error" as is required by that page. It is fine here. Please only moderate or direct people elsewhere if you are in a position to do so; otherwise, leave that to more experienced users.
Which page(s) are you having problems on? And what browser/device are you using?

1 Answer

0 votes

You didn't say what pages/sections the images weren't appearing.

However, I do know that Bulbapedia and some other sites block linking to their images from other sites, so if you're talking about a question or answer on Pokebase that could be the reason.

If you need to use a Pokemon image, try using the images from this site first - check the Pokedex for a Pokemon to get their artwork, or the Sprites section.

I assume by Pokemon picture they mean the ones on the dex pages, since I also have the same problem when I use my phone. Also said 'he rarity chart on routes won't load'
@PX which pictures? All works fine for me. What browser and version are you using on your phone?