In many ways, every section is not "complete" because there is always more we can add. But the main ones are:
- Items section - very bare-bones at the moment. Need to add full descriptions for all the items plus their locations.
- Moves - this is mostly done but needs more detailed descriptions for a few moves. Also need to add some extra details like whether it's a Contact move.
- Abilities - ditto above, mostly done.
- Sprites - missing Gen 6 "sprites" for Gen 1-5 Pokemon.
- Events page
- Glossary
- Pokemon Go - need to add details about the moves.
- The Forum, of course :)
Gen 6 side info has now been added, by the way.
Also, just because we have incomplete sections doesn't mean new sections won't be added too. For example I added the Pokemon Go section because I felt it would be useful to more people right now. A lot of the time it depends on what I will enjoy doing more.