Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

i was at the pokebase and remembered charmander's french name and i wanted to know how it was spelled. but pokebase only shows it's Japanese name. so i suggest adding a thing to show its name in all languages but a scroll bar thing because you don't want names taking up the whole page.

edited by
a pretty good edit, astro.
I can't remember where, but Pokemaster said that errors have higher priority than new features. If you don't believe that there are errors, look here:
sumwun i think you errored with the link. check the link sumwun
No, I didn't error the link. I checked it. Check it yourself.
you sent me to a location guide place.
So? (12 characters)
were in topic of pokemon names in languages.
The point of the link was to prove that there are a lot of stuff that needs to be done before this suggestion.

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

This is on my list to do at some point. Will probably happen after the release of Sun/Moon.

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ok. sorry i best answered late. i worry about pokebase more than meta.