Meta-PokéBase Q&A
24 votes

There isn't much to elaborate on, but I just think it could come in handy when you want to clear a lot of wall posts at once, without having to individually go through every page in order to do so.
I guess it benefits lazy people like myself, but I generally also think it would spare a lot of time when deleting stuff.

I am most certainly not asking this because I want to get rid of 51 pages of wall post but am too lazy to delete every individual post

Great sugestion.
I'd quite like this too, I normally keep mine but I do want to stop it from getting way too much e-o
Me likey +1
I'm too lazy to click that button even if there was one <:I!
Tbh I never actually see the point in clearing wall posts. It doesnt slow down my particular profile, and I have 120+ pages of wall posts.
But for those who do clean their wall, this would be really helpful, especially for me, possibly, in the future. So +1
+1 because I liek clean places! :D
lol demat.

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