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Or rather, your wall posts, i dont think the experts will go out of their way to fix the grammar in random wall posts.

Please take into consideration:

No I want the ability to edit
So I can edit every post to "#BlameSciz"
commented 2 minutes ago by Sempiternus

edited by
No I want the ability to edit
So I can edit every post to "#BlameSciz"
Yeah, that way people can edit posts to have spam in it and the profile owner can report the person for doing nothing.
I was about to suggest this, but I saw it was asked.

I have a solution, **please hear me out**:

I have had this problem many times: I have posted a wall post and then needed to change a part of it, so I copy it, delete it, and then edit the part. But then I see another mistake in typing, so I do this over again. I do this until I run out of wall posts, and cannot post the one I wanted to. I know the limited wall messages setting is to prevent spam, and I know lack of editing is so no one can avoid ban, however...

I want a sort-of **temporary** wall post editing. After you post a wall message, there is a short time you can delete it when it isn't on your wall. Make it editable during that period as well. After the period, the post can't delete or edit. Mods and editors can view previous edits. This way, you don't have to waste as much wall posts to get a message across when you make a mistake. Because we all make mistakes, Right?

So, is this considerable now? (*Yes, I know this is very well a minor suggestion*)

##So this is essentially a bump and reasoning.

Please don't hate :(

Hope I helped! (As always) :P
It's really not that hard to preview something before you post it.
I know :P

But having the edits won't hurt either. Most of the time, I don't see it in the preview, and because we can't edit, I lose 2 hourly wall posts. That is hardly fair, but I'd understand if PM found it too much/too little of a "problem" to code it, and would rather spend time doing other things.
I think it could be handy if the person who made the wall post was the only one allowed to edit it.
I also just want to point out that in the comments gligurr was talking about people abusing the ability to edit wall posts -- said the guy who was banned for abusing his power. Ha, irony!
Converted to a comment because it's not an actual answer from the developer (Pokemaster) and he wont see it unless it's in the unanswered section.

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