Meta-PokéBase Q&A
9 votes

I love the DB's crisp white look, but my eyes do not appreciate it late at night. Solution? A night mode! Many other websites have already done this, including Reddit and many others. It isn't even that hard, just a simple button to make the background of all pages black.

Maybe not black, but I think the same grey as the sides are, with white text, would work.
Agreed! Didn't Pokemaster once ask for changes like that to the site design as well? This should top that list, imo.

Darker shades look better, tbh.

Godspeed (I mean, Arceus-speed or like 120) and I hope PM sees and implements this ASAP
Let's just go straight to Ninjaskspeed.
Yeah, a dark grey colour would just fit dark scenes and areas much nicer.
fug white text, it should be very light grey. white text is too bright.
@Astronautical Maybe Deoxys-speed speed?

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