Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I only wanted to know if my Totodile had some decent moves. I don't understand why I was flagged.

Here's the page

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that this post should belong on the thread linked below.
I think this was asked before the post was actually taken down, so this is fine.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Your question broke the rules. From the rules page:

Do not ask moveset questions: We already have moveset questions for every final-evolution Pokemon (and several others besides). Just search for the Pokemon, e.g. dragonite moveset. If you don't find a Pokemon moveset question, you almost certainly misspelled the Pokemon's name. When a new game is released, moveset questions for the new Pokemon are handled by the moderators to avoid clogging up the site with too many at once.

This doesn't give specific mention to posts like yours, but the bolded statement should make it clear enough. The post you made ("is this a good moveset for Tototile") effectively asks the same question as one worded like "what is a good moveset for Tototile", because the post can still be answered with "no" and a completely different moveset. This effectively creates another moveset thread when one exists already, which is not ideal. (Note, movesets for Totodile would go on Feraligatr's page unless it asks specifically for a Little Cup set -- the same would apply for all Pokemon with another evolution. We don't need 800 moveset posts when strategy for the final form is generally applicable to the ones prior too. Because of that, good responses to your question could be found in this link.)

Also, the way you asked the question and detailed it in the comments made it very difficult to answer, which gives reason for it to be taken down in and of itself. If you value a moveset or choice because it has your "favourites", then we can't help you because we don't know what your favourites are. Your question makes no reservation for users to suggests moves on the basis of them being objectively better -- if you would choose Bite over Crunch because Crunch is "too much", then it becomes very difficult to answer your question because you might also reject other suggestions on the basis of them being "too much" or not being a favourite. Essentially, moveset questions should be about what move sets are the best for winning, not which set personally pleases you the most for your own reasons like that post seemed to be more focused on.

Sorry if this comes across as too rules-y for your liking, we just can't make exceptions without invaliding ourselves. If we allow one post that could be seen to break a rule, then people will expect that we will make exceptions for their posts too.

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Thank you kind sir.