Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Doesn't show here but it will show the thumbnail version next to my name underneath this question. How come?

I can see it on mine. No idea why it wouldn't show on yours though.
I can see it too. I could be a client-side glitch. Does your browser need an update?
Browser's updated, I'll clear cookies and stuff see if that's it.
Yeah, the same thing happens to me.
@AvariciousAbsol No, it seems you have a different problem. You don't seem to have a gravatar at all, while in PX's case only he can't see his own gravatar logo on his profile page but we can all see his.
Oh, okay thanks for the info ^^

1 Answer

2 votes

Did you recently change it? It may be that it's "cached" on Gravatar's servers (since we're both in the UK, could be cached only here for some reason). For example the URL is basically the same: shows the correct image, smaller shows the G logo, large shows the correct image, one pixel larger

So... not sure what the problem is.

It's been the same for a few months now without issues before hand. Also my browser is updated and cookies cleared. it might just be my computer over anything else. Thanks anyway.
Cache error shows that the large G picture can't load.
If you recently changed it, you may just need to reload the page. It worked for me.