Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I've recently noticed that, when starting to type tags, not all tags show up in the "Matching tags" thing, even if they do exist. For example, the "ultra-sun-ultra-moon" tag, despite existing, doesn't show up when you start to type in "ultra". Now, I get that there'd if every single tag that started with something similar to what was being typed was shown, but, when "ultra" is typed, the only tag that shows up is "ultra-beasts". Why is this?
Fizz is a cool dude. I hope he sees this.


1 Answer

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Best answer

All the tag suggestions are loaded with the page so that they can appear instantly as you type. So we don't load all the tags, there are too many. As answered here it's the top 1000 tags.

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Oh, okay. Thanks, PM!