Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

The web has a very striking, friendly and great interface. But I have a number of suggestions that could perhaps help a better visualization:

1) When the movements of any Pokémon are displayed, it would be great if the most current version is shown by default: "Pokémon US / UM" and second S / M.

2) Reintegrate the "Egg moves" section for the "Pokémon US / UM" tab in any pokémon evolutionary phase to facilitate navigation as it is currently shown, for example: "Poliwrath does not learn any moves by breeding in Pokémon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon. "

I hope that the ideas can be read by the staff of the web. Thank you for reading!
P.S: It would be great if they will create a facebook page to spread their website and content.

I think there already is this website already has a Facebook Page. Also only one person can edit the site outside of the Pokebase sections so don't expect anything to be happening right away.

1 Answer

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Firstly, as Gekky said we do have a Facebook page here and Twitter page too (which is generally updated more quickly than the Facebook page).

With the tabs on the Pokedex pages, they were intentionally like that so that people can avoid spoilers and such. Enough time has passed now so I've made USUM the default.

Egg moves were on the site before USUM's release, but they only showed for the pre-evolutions (e.g. in your case it would be on Poliwag). That's just how they are stored in the game code. I meant to update this weeks ago (been very busy) but finally got around to making it so they show on all Pokemon pages as normal.

Thanks for the nice comments, I work hard on making everything easy to read so I'm glad you like the design :)

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