Meta-PokéBase Q&A
11 votes

Sorry for the confusing question title. This is what I mean:
In Vileplume's Gen 3 Learnset page, it lists Petal Dance having a base power of 120. However, Petal Dance has a base power of 70 in Gens 1-3. So, what I'm thinking is, in Vileplume's Gen 3 learnset page, change the base power of Petal Dance from 120 to 70. This would apply for other Pokémon who know moves that get a base power increase/decrease. This also applies to accuracy. While it may not have that much of an impact, it would be nice to have moves match the base power and accuracy in a Pokémon's learnset in the previous generations.

They should also make those pages display the old types if the move changed types since that generation. The pages already display the old categories, though.
The categories being accurate is an interesting point, since it means the listings contain a combination of new and old mechanics. If the generation-specific pages aren't completely adjusted to the game mechanics of the time, then I'd argue they shouldn't be at all, since it makes the pages more confusing.
Copying my comment from a duplicate question...
I've actually been working on this recently. The first part is done - move changes have been split into a separate part of the database and shown in a list, e.g.
The next part should be up and running soon-ish.

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