Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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In my prfile, is there a button I can tap that will take me to a list of all my questions I have asked? It's just annoying having to search through 350+ pages of questions to find the one I asked. Would just make the entire experience smoother and more useful. If there isn't a button could you try and add one please?


1 Answer

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Best answer

Yup, this exists. There’s a set of grey sorting options underneath the main coloured buttons in the navigation. One of the grey buttons links to a full list of your questions. There are also a bunch more links which you’ll find yourself.

Mind, this works section-by-section. So if you post something here on Meta, it won’t show on your question list on the main section and vice versa.

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Ok thanks fizz
No problem!
(Don’t mind me, there’s a comment button for replying — just fixing that up.)
No seriously - you developers are amazing at maintaining this site and keeping it running - I really enjoy using it and it's  all come from you! Everyone seems really friendly and I respect that too even though I've been on the site for a few days. I love this site! My favourite place to ask questions about USUM or SM (sadly I don't play any of the older games)
Haha thanks very much — I don’t actually do any development for the site, you can credit Pokemaster with that entirely. But it’s good to know we leave a good impression! Glad you’re enjoying yourself here.
Your all amazing in my eyes :)