Meta-PokéBase Q&A
5 votes

It's been while! Hopefully you all have the patience for another bout of my ramblings about this upcoming forum section, which if you're not already aware, is being developed by Pokemaster.

Over a month ago now, I posted this thread where we collated some ideas for what we want a hypothetical forum section to look like. The post was focused on what content would belong on the forum, and how the forum would operate. The thread was good, and if you have not, I recommend you look through that discussion before you read this one. I think we pretty much exhausted its topics of anything new to discuss, which is good.

However, Pokemaster brought something up in his response that I hadn't yet considered, and that I want to turn our attention to now. It is another factor that is going to be very important to how this forum section is going to play out, and how successful it is in the end. You might have guessed from the title...

Do RMT and Meta remain separate entities, or become part of the new forum?

In writing the original thread, I'd assumed that when this forum section was complete, it would be added as a fourth section to the three we have already. In the thread, I also brought up how it would probably be fitting for two of our existing sections -- Meta and RMT -- to also adapt a forum format. Overall, I'd envisioned four sections for the site: one Q&A in PokeBase, and three forum areas in Meta, RMT and the new discussion area. I won't elaborate on why in this thread, as I think that was covered satisfactorily last month.

However, this came into question at the suggestion of one, singular integrated forum section. It is possible that we could arrange the site so that there are only two sections -- one Q&A though the existing PokeBase, and one multi-purpose forum that covers Meta, RMT and all the topics mentioned in the original thread. What I want to know is which one everyone would prefer: a four-section solution or a two-section solution?

For me, the most important thing to keep in mind here is that the forum feature is being developed as a modification of the Q2A software we already use. So a lot of its features and functionality will be derivative of the features we already have -- just with changes and a different presentation. Pokemaster has mentioned that comments and answers would be merged simply into 'posts', and votes would become like thumb-up buttons. We should make the most of what we've got and use re-purposed Q2A features as much as possible.

So, out of interest, I looked into some of what Q2A could do like a forum if it was presented the right way, without necessarily developing anything new. I came across a feature we don't currently use here called categories, which I think would be massive for the categorisation of any forum/s we implement, and ultimately which solution we go with. For example, the categories of the official Q&A for the software, and how they appear in the navigation.

These categories could be really cool to sort content and allow you to view threads from one particular subject, like you might with a standard 'sub-forum'. You could be browsing the front page of the section -- which might look a bit like the front page in the second link above -- and notice a category you liked, and then access that for similar content. A bit like tags, except more involved and with better admin control.

To illustrate what I mean, it might look like this under the two different systems I've mentioned:

  1. With four sections, Meta, RMT and the discussion area could all have their own categories, as they'd all be separate 'instances' of the modified software.
    • Meta could have categories for suggestions, bugs, articles (like this one), and maybe an 'other' category for content like the post you're reading now.
    • RMT could be based on metagame -- in-game, Battle Spot, Smogon rules, VGC, TCG and whatever else.
    • The discussion area could be divided by content -- so general (e.g. discussion, debate, news, etc), creative (e.g. artwork, written stuff), trades, games (e.g. this sort of thing; fun stuff) and whatever else. Probably an 'other' category too.
  2. With two sections, any use of categories would have to be to isolate the sections. So we'd probably have meta, RMT and discussion. We can also set sub-categories using the feature, so we can have the same stuff as above; just with another layer of complexity.

So ultimately, we'd be getting the exact same content, just organised differently. It's matter of how we think it would be most accessible and easiest to navigate. For argument's sake, I'll list some advantages of both systems to contrast the two:

Under a four-section system, we'd get...

  • Better-focused content. Segregating each section in the same way they are now helps concentrate them, and probably stimulates traffic flow. It makes them feel individually more important, which is significant given that each has pretty unique content.
  • Superior organisation. Even if sub-categories are used in a two-section format, having so many categories for stuff would likely end up a mess and confusing. Having four sections is cleaner. We don't want a problem where we constantly have to fix and re-categorise stuff to keep the feature meaningful.
  • The ability to keep all our existing URLs. Merging RMT and Meta means all our current links would break, which doesn't preserve our existing threads very well. Perhaps more importantly, it could ruin our SEO. I really don't like the alternative of archiving the sections and starting new.
  • Less preparation to do. Not sure how difficult merging the two databases would be, but we wouldn't have to worry about that if we kept RMT and Meta their own entities. Should be as simple as updating their config and CSS if Pokemaster is doing this the way I think he is.

Under a two-section system, we'd get...

  • More concise navigation. You'd have one place to go for Q&A content, and one place to go for forum content. This minimises ambiguity as to where content belongs. It would make for an overall easier experience navigating the site, in theory at least.
  • Better activity and user retention. Keeping everything in one place increases the chance someone will come across your thread from a completely different subject. This also delivers the illusion of activity better -- two very active sections looks better than four fairly-active sections.
  • Conventionality. Having one forum and one Q&A is probably a more 'normal' approach, and perhaps more accessible to new users if it is well organised. Having a Q&A and three forums in the name of organisation might be confusing at first.
  • More universal permissions and metrics. One of the problems of having many sections is that privileges e.g. flagging are not transferable across each. But combining all the forum areas into one completely solves the issue, since the Q&A would be separate anyway.

So, what do you think? Which do you prefer? Do you think there are other alternatives to the systems I've mentioned? Choosing one instead of saying 'whatever is fine' would be more helpful. Any ideas or suggestions for how we could organise this best?

I wouldn't want to sway anyone before we even talk about this, but at the moment, I would personally advocate for a four-section system. This is the solution that I think is the most future-proof, and is the least likely to end up a cluttered mess. Sub-categories as I understand them are pretty invisible in most navigation, which has me pretty convinced four sections are at least a better organisation option.

But this isn't for me to decide! Feel free to speak your mind.

edited by
A 4 section system would best, imo. Filters could be added for all sorts of things, such as Artwork, Friend Codes etc
@Gekky I had a feeling there would be an issue with the post ID numbers in the URLs, as I thought there'd be no automatic way to write the redirects. But Pokemaster suggests it won't be a problem. In thinking about it, database software like MySQL would solve this fine.
@Stakatacool It's 100% up to you what you do with your wall. A 'sticky' function for walls was suggested a year or two ago and was very popular. Not sure if it is being made, but for now, you can work your way around it however you want to. And yeah, there's a thread-closing feature in Q2A I'm sure will make an appearance on this forum area, so you should be able to control posts to some extent. We will establish a set of rules as well, that'll be a subject for another thread once this other stuff is sorted. And how did I forget TCG? Will edit.
@Rick Gastly An argument could be made that the same thing could be achieved using sub-categories in a two-section system, but that would need to be done perfectly for it to not be massively disorganised. I agree on four sections until I'm convinced two sections won't be a mess long-term.
@Fizz btw, I meant if I could put rules on one of my Forum posts :P
Also, I got a better Idea than what I had before. If I'm going to post multiple threads on creating artwork on my CAP, could I make a "Hub Thread"? It would have a link on one of my sections and the thread itself would have links to my other threads on it, that way you only have to favorite 1 page and it would be the only page that would be bumped often. There would also a link to the hub thread on each individual CAP thread. So, essentially, is a hub thread allowed?
Oh yeah, that's fine. Put whatever rules you like in your post, we can moderate accordingly so long as you're reasonable.
A hub thread should be fine, though we'll have to see how things so. We wouldn't want the place overrun with threads that don't actually contain content themselves.
*Bump* I believe there could still be some discussion on this; when we stopped a while ago, I thought: "the community surely saw it has more to add, but not everybody spoke their opinion." So if anyone has any last regards, questions, concerns, opinions, etc. speak now (Not that we know when we'll get this forum).

Also, is it okay to ask certain CAP questions in the forum; and if so, examples (like a strategy discussion), and what category would it be under (Creative, Miscellaneous, Discussions, etc)?

Thanks for your time and efforts, everyone!

2 Answers

4 votes

How about a 3 section solution? We merge one of the sections into the forum but not the other ;)

Regarding categories, yes they could get a little complex. But there are a few things to make it easier. For example if you're viewing "a category", clicking "new question" (or "new thread" as it would be) automatically selects the correct category you were on. Recategorising is as easy as editing tags (or easier perhaps).

As I mentioned elsewhere the home page for the forum can have the categories listed prominently. There should be a way to show sub-categories as well. In general, most problems will be solvable.

The ability to keep all our existing URLs.

We should be able to fix this with redirects, so if anyone visits an old link it automatically shows the new page. It's easy to redirect everything from* to* - there are a few more complications with the exact URLs (due to the ID numbers) but that should be doable.

SEO isn't a concern for those two sections. I don't think many people find those pages via Google.

@Fizz "3 sections" was sort of a joke. But I was thinking of the RMT section moving to a forum style with Meta staying as a Q&A. I think we talked about that previously but I don't remember if we came to a consensus. For example a lot of the Meta questions work better as Q&A but some things like reporting errors may work better in a forum style.

For the forum home page, the default would be similar to the Q&A. But the category list that you see at the side, that can be put anywhere and we can make it look how we like. So it can be a big block at the top of the page, like any forum. Then we can have recent threads below that. People can go to the category pages or view all threads etc.
Ah, gotcha. As discussed in the answer below this one, keeping Meta as a Q&A would work. Personally I'd learn more toward giving it a forum format, since forums work well for pretty much everything and accomodate threads like this one really well. But either works -- maybe we should do a poll or something like that?
Home page sounds solid, it would be good to have the categories up the top for sure. But I still think we need to reach a consensus on whether Meta and RMT stay their own sections, or just become one of several categories on the forum. I'm still pushing for four total sections (PokeBase, Meta, RMT and 'Discussion' we might call it), as I think the focus that Meta and RMT get from having their own section is really valuable.
If we can decide one way or the other, we can start having discussions like what structure Meta would get, assuming we keep it its own separate section. IMO, this is what I think would be good, though we should all talk about this:
1. PokeBase stays its own section, and with a Q&A like it has now.
2. Meta should remain its own section, with a Q&A like right now or changed into its own forum with with own set of categories for the top of navigation. (So stuff like, 'errors', 'suggestions', 'discussions', etc.)
3. RMT should stay its own section, but also be changed into a forum, as has been the plan. Should have categories based on metagame like 'in-game', 'Smogon rules', 'VGC', 'TCG', etc., or maybe the relevant generation (e.g. 'Gen 7', 'Gen 8' etc.)
4. Add the new forum section for discussions, game threads, trades, original content, etc. that doesn't fit elsewhere on the site. Categories could reflect those content types I mentioned.
I'm not sure I agree about keeping RMT separate. What exactly about it now do you think gives it "focus"? I suppose it's just that it has a separate link at the top, so if we want to give prominence to the RMT section of a bigger forum, we can keep a link up there.

Also a minor point but from a technical POV it's a bit simpler to have 2 or 3 separate Q2A instances rather than 4.

I'm currently working on some other site changes but when those are (finally) done I will try and set up a test forum so a few of us can play around with what works best.
Just stating my opinion on Fizz's answer, I like what it is about, however, the TCG doesn't get sorted well by generation relevancy (especially to novice TCG players/constant rotation of the cards) and it is more optimal not for experienced ones, too. Sorting it can be a nightmare and takes time, especially if it is posted in the wrong section (and nearly every novice will likely post it wrong, not knowing when cards were made/allowed). If TCG were to be sorted, it'd work better by Format (Unlimited, Expanded, Standard, Legacy, *Half-Deck) rather than Year/Generation, or to just have TCG be it's own singular category, for simplicity. :P

*Half-Deck is more of a sub category of the aforementioned.

As for what PM said, RMT would be good either way, as part of a forum or it's own. And it is a good point that you can combine them and keep a separate link at the top for each so people know the RMT Forum section exists.

Good talk so far. Surprised we don't have more opinions with nearly 100 views...
@Pokemaster Yeah I should probably be more clear. The link is one part of it, I guess for visibility. But by ‘focus’, I mean some of the following:

- If RMT and the main discussion area were combined on one section, then threads from both would show up on the front page of the forum. I’m not a fan of this, as people who want to have a casual discussion probably don’t want competitive team content in their main navigation list.
- Giving RMT its own section gives it its own set of main categories, i.e. the ones that show up on the ‘asked by [username]’ subheaders in navigation. We’d need to make subcategories if we wanted to organise RMT in the same way as part of the main forum. Subcategories don’t have that visibility though. This is irrelevant if you can work around that, however.
- Giving RMT its whole, distinct section makes it feel a more integral part of the community, IMO. Relegating it to one category of the main forum is taking away some of its prominence, which won’t help its already-slow content flow. I don’t think adding a link in the header will fix all of that.
- I know you didn’t respond to this thread but if the ideas in it ever eventuate — which I think they should — then RMT might fit a broader range of content that forms a very clear basis for its own section. (TL;DR, it suggests we should allow high-effort in-game team posts and threads like ‘rate my moveset’ as well as ‘rate my team’, and other things that are a questionable fit for the Q&A.)
- If RMT deserves a link in the top header bar, it deserves its own section, is all.

If we do go for three sections, I’d go so far as to say I’d prefer Meta get merged over RMT, but again that is not my overall preference (for many of the same reasons). A test forum would be awesome, seeing it all in practise would probably be the best way to reach a solution. I guess similar to the redesign beta we did in 2013?

@Stakatacool Good point, we’d probably go for the first set of categories then e.g. everything TCG would go under the simpler ‘TCG’ category. I’m not sure we’d ever get enough threads to justify making categories for all the different TCG formats, so I think it’s good to just keep it simple.

And yeah, if anyone else has a perspective to contribute, definitely throw it in.
3 votes

Ok. This is a response to Fizz, and A response to PM’s Response.

There seems to be a bunch of options. Fizz’s Four-section(#1), Fizz’s Two-section(#2), and PM’s Three-section(#3).

My vote is:

Option #4

I have another idea, sort of a compromise.
I suggest the RMT be changed to a forum. This was one of the original ideas, and I think it will work great.
I suggest that META and Pokébase remain Q&A sections.
I suggest an additional Forum section, for a total of four sections, two forum, two Q&A.

Option #4

Here’s why: Multiple categories reduce clutter, making it far easier to navigate the site. Conversely, two categories bunch everything up. Scroll much now? I imagine it would get a lot worse. With THREE categories, our immediate problem is fixed.
However, I imagine some questions will STILL be unaskable. Like Fizz said:
> The discussion area could be divided by content -- so general (e.g. discussion, debate, news, etc), creative (e.g. artwork, written stuff), trades, games (e.g. this sort of thing; fun stuff) and whatever else. Probably an 'other' category too.

There wouldn't be any place for these types of questions.

As for the permissions thing, I have a few thoughts on that.

Since whatever we do includes a forum format, there wouldn’t be any points to be attained. “Upvotes” would be replaced by basically “likes”.

Permissions granted by an amount of points wouldn’t exist.

If permissions exist, but no POINTS exists, then the permissions would have to be assigned.

Can Pokemaster and/or Moderators assign individual permissions? If they can, the transfer wouldn’t be much of a problem. Any permission that a user was “deemed worthy of” could just be granted to him.

I think a Two/Two-Section System, Option #4, would be best

The main issue behind all of this is a lack of user retention, and a general lack of activity. When I started using this site, there were new posts in most of the sections almost every hour. There were new answers constantly. There was a new heading on the main page almost every day.

In my opinion, the problem with THAT is the difficulty of asking questions and having them answered. I think a four-section system would divide the questions pretty well, bringing a larger number of unanswered questions to the top.

It’s like a crowd leaving a theater through ONE doorway, as opposed to three or four.

Now, for the “Other” section.

I REALLY like this idea.

There are questions that just aren’t allowed to be asked. The "Other" section would take care of that.

Pretty much any question even REMOTELY related to Pokémon could be asked there. Stuff like: “What’s a good Nickname for my Azurill?”

I don't think it wouldn’t even need sub-categories. It could just be “Discussions”. There could even be a kind of notification system on it that labels it “Active” or “Inactive”. That would encourage people to jump in and add their opinions.

Those are my thoughts.

Nice, thanks for the detail. Ideas like this are good. I agree with pretty much everything, especially what you mention about unanswered questions and threads staying at the top. Sites like StackExchange suffer massively from clutter and threads dropping off the front page before they are answered. Very important we don't end up like that.
Keeping Meta as a Q&A is interesting, I'd have to ask why? It's definitely the section that needs the forum shift less, though I think the forum platform makes a lot more sense for content like this thread. And then everything else works fine either way. But I'm definitely not averse to it.
As I understand, the point system will still exist, but it will be reformatted and used to count total posts, e.g. +1 for every post you make. We can make a permissions system based on that. Maybe to prevent people abusing likes, we could make it available after you make five posts, or something like that. There's no manual assignment process, so this is probably the strongest alternative.
If this whole thing is successful, I don't even think an 'other' section should be necessary. My hope for this overhaul of the community is that there'll be a place for basically anything you want to post. IMO, nickname threads would be work fine for the discussion forum, and could be regarded as in the 'general' category of the ones you quoted from the original post.
Keeping META as a Q&A was just part of my compromise. It seemed like PM wanted to minimize the amount of overhauling he'd have to do to the system.
I chose the section that needed the format shift the least, and kept that as a Q&A.

If the points are gotten by making posts, Then a dedicated user (or one with a lot of free time) could really rack up some points...
You'd almost have to set the required points for each permission really high to compensate. But then, people might just spam...
Would you mods still be regulating the posts?
That might keep the spam on a manageable level.

Then again, with basically any question being aloud, most questions would be "Legal".

Yeah, from my point-of-view, an insane point requirement looks like the answer.
Personally, I agree with this one too. I'd go with the RMT being its own forum as well, or the RMT and the new Forum combining.
I'd be most content with either of these.
Yes. As always, we would be regulating posts on the forum. New users would likely have to go through the same approval process as usual. This will help us maintain content quality and limit spam. If it is clear a person is posting to inflate their total count, then we'll have a word to them.
How about a GTS-type system. This would include filters for the game you are playing, moves, abilities or hidden abilities, shinyness, pokerus, etc. When asking if someone would give you a pokemon, you could offer up your pokemon with multiple options of pokemon to recieve in return. Also if a user has multiple of the same pokemon with the same nature or moves, they could give a count of how many they have to offer. As for now, I don't love the built in GTS system on the 3DS.