Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Ads for the Pokemondb Showdown site.

1.No irritating Ads
I don't mean Ads for youtube or time-ads (like trailers and that stuff) ;etc.....
But almost no player on the site does know about the showdown Website of
So maybe on the Home Page of we need to put there: has it's own Showdown Server!

2.More Rules
I don't know if there are going to be really much players then, but pokemondb has some users that are almost all time active on the site like me (but really I spend Average like 5 hours on the site waiting for some people to come in the chat) so I don't think there are ot going to be much new players but enough to keep the server alive.

3.A bot
I don't know if there is a bot in the Showdown DB Server but if we don't have let's make one!
And I think there is one but it isn't active since there almost aren't Tournaments there.

4.More Tournament's
I really don't know why but I love tournaments. And if there are more players we can get tournaments (but better a little littler (or something) battle tournament)

5.need to go really but i'll edit this later(im back)
so real five now!

5.RMT keeps alive
My friend xtreme evoboost is saying that RMT is dying. But if there are more Showdown players, there are more Showdown teams, and that means more RMT teams. So that means too that here are going to come some proffecionals (okay there are some proffecionals in there but still) less unanswered RMT's. Then the "noobs" (if they listen to they're advice) are reduced.
I don't know if this really has something to do with the question, but this is my expectation for RMT.

-SmartYoungsterLorika SYL or just Lorika
I'll see you next time!

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There's already a tournament happening right now.
It's too late to sign up, though. We might start a new tournament a few weeks later, and you can sign up for that.
I knew it had a server. It is displayed on every Tournament sign up.
+Stakatacool true, but people that don't sign up for tournaments (like me) need to know too. Also, people shouldn't have to figure out there's tournaments by sumwun randomly mentioning it, it should be well broadcasted. I think SYL brought up some compelling points, except maybe #5 lol
We already advertise them on Pokebase. Maybe you didn't see them because you don't check Pokebase often enough.
yeah, they have signups now threads in every community. IDK how people miss them...
Are there tournaments going on and they let them see on this site?? I before this week maybe asked a question that I don't knopw much about the Site but yeah I am much on it. I'm keeping always an eye on it so.... Are there more secrets about the site?
If you spend a very long time hanging out on our Showdown! server, then you might see interesting things.
Hehe, yeah I have, sumwun. But there are some days where nearly no-one is on the hours I check...
It just depends on when, how log, etc. you and other people come on it...
As for Lorkia, maybe this thread'll help?

1 Answer

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I keep meaning to add a link to the top menu (in "Community"). Will get around to it soon.

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That would be awesome.