Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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There have been times of when I have looked through the internet and tried to look through for a certain type of pokemon with 2 types and just didn't know what they were. What I am asking is a feature that lets you type a pokemon's type (even dual type pokemon) and shows you a list of pokemon with that certain type combination.

Type 1: Dark Type 2: Psychic
#687 Malamar (Dark, Psychic)
#720 Hoopa (unbound) (Dark, Psychic)

I just thought that it would be handy in pokemondb but if this is a bad idea than just say so in the comment and I will hide this. (Side note: as of gen 6 there are 324 total type combinations and with finding certain type combinations in a pool of 807 pokemon species then it would be easy to find certain pokemon types with certain capabilities and roles with those type resistances and/or immunities).

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The easiest way I know to do this is to go to Pokemon Showdown!, log in, join a chat room, and enter the /ds command. For example, entering "/ds psychic type,dark type" makes the chat room display "Hoopa-Unbound, Inkay, Malamar".
Go to dual type chart. Next to the dual types is a number. Click the number and there you will find Pokemon with that combo.
Or you could use veekun's Pokémon search:

1 Answer

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Best answer

For one type you can use the stat Pokedex and select the type in the dropdown above the table.

For dual types, you can use the dual type chart, scroll down to where the two types are shown, and click the number. For example on Dark/Psychic, click where it says "3" and it will show you the Pokemon (Inkay, Malamar, Hoopa Unbound).

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Thanks, I didn't know this feature existed until now, so now everyone knows :)